Wounded Warriors Pilgramage To Lourdes.

2014 Pilgrimage

The 2014 Warriors to Lourdes Pilgrimage for Wounded or Disabled Military Personnel for the 56th Annual International Military Pilgrimage will take place on May 13-19, 2014.

The pilgrimage, sponsored by the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA and the Knights of Columbus, is the latest event in a long history of both organization’s involvement in Lourdes and in service to the military.

Wounded or disabled military personnel and their essential companion-caregivers will travel to the Marian shrine for a time of resting, praying, and healing. The five-day pilgrimage will consist of a number of spectacular and spiritual events, including: a war memorial ceremony, special Masses and events for the American pilgrims, Eucharistic procession and benediction, and a grand closing ceremony that draws tens of thousands to the sacred shrine.

“We will journey and pray with pilgrims from around the world,” said Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio of the Archdiocese of Military Services. “It will be an occasion to raise our hearts and minds to the Prince of Peace and beg for an increase in understanding and a decrease in strife.”

Read the Pilgrimage Brochure: US version | EU version — for overseas military.

Wounded or disabled military personnel who are approved by the medical assessment team will be invited to join the pilgrimage free of charge. Wounded or disabled military personnel spouses or essential companion-caregivers are invited to attend. Volunteers are also needed.

To apply to be a pilgrim or volunteer for the 2014 pilgrimage, click here.

Archbishop Broglio’s Message to Priests

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