Agent Orange on the March

Only in the ranks of dark veteran humor will you hear the phrase, “Agent Orange, the gift that keeps on giving”. But then how else are you going to handle getting sprayed with chemicals by your own Government?

Agent Orange Linked to New Diseases

In its recent review of medical research into the long-term effects of exposure to herbicides in Vietnam, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) concluded that there is a suggestive link between exposure to Agent Orange and Is chemic Heart Disease, Parkinson’s Disease and certain rare cancers.

In the same review, the IOM affirmed its earlier conclusion that there is a significantly increased risk of developing hypertension in those who served in Vietnam.

The Veterans of Foreign Wars is calling on the VA to fully recognize these findings and award presumptive service connection for veterans suffering from these diseases who were exposed to Agent Orange.

In 2000, a similar study found a link between Agent Orange and Type II Diabetes. Those findings led the VA to recognize presumptive service connection for Vietnam veterans suffering from the disease.

“Based on this data, the VA should take swift action,” says Gerald Manar, Deputy Director, National Veterans Service. “The VFW is pushing for full recognition of conditions linked to Agent Orange exposure, along with proper medical care and timely compensation.”


4 thoughts on “Agent Orange on the March”

  1. Well there is no such thing as glossing over the ravage that Agent Orange has done to the bodies of many a soldier, most now dead, yet you are right on with your observation Tip; Operation Ranch Hand was us!
    In fact not only was it us, but a memorandum released from the D.O.D maybe 7 years ago indicated that we dropped nearly 2.5 times the amount of Dioxin as was first reported. This was discovered by an Air Force Academy graduate student who was doing the math comparing the tonnage to the sorties. It did not calculate properly, and he backed into an admission from the Department of Defense that they under-reported the whole affair.  Always makes you wonder what else is , under-reported eh?

    what you say ‘mpckoe’ is eternal truth about War.  I doubt we will ever ‘declare’ war, ever again in our lifetime.  We have found a thousand ways around the will of the  people.  Ergo, Democracy died right after Vietnam.
    Irony being, is this is the  reason we go to  war….. to preserve the democratic way. It is only a matter of time till this queer karma catches up with us.
    Yet, Marines will be there day and night to protect our freedoms, even when threatened from within…. as they are now.

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