Each day I wake and think about the intention of this Post, I know I am at risk for feedback that…. well lets say, might not be from the book of Miss Manners. Unfortunately, that is the state of nation, with the exception of many of our own Bloggers, who have clearly been most supportive of each other since this site launched back in the first week in July.
This quote from E.B. White summarizes the emotions that flow through me each day,as I contemplate what may be worth publishing for the good of the order and the furtherance of civility.
“If the world were merely seductive, that would be easy. If it were challenging, that would be no problem. Then I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day”
I suspect this may capture the sentiment of many retirees as myself.
The project here at “TucsonCitizen.com”, does however, provide an existential sense of usefulness for myself and apparently for a slew of veterans who chime into this site, as the viewings of “Veteran Veritas” are amongst the highest of all the Blogs.
“Whooda known?”
Thank you fellow vets, friends and families for riding with us in this new blogosphere adventure.