A View From Catholic War Veterans/ Founded in 1935

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National Headquarters
441 North Lee Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone (703) 549-3622
Fax (703) 684-5196
Press Release
Mr. Jose Garcia
National Executive Director
Phone: (512) 560-6091
September 28, 2009
ALEXANDRIA, VA: On September 11, 2001 the United States of America was suddenly and savagely attacked by Islamic Terrorists. By committing this act, the terrorists declared war on the United States of America. The United States government responded to the attack by declaring a “War on Terror” and subsequently mobilized not only its own troops, but a broad coalition of troops from our allies to combat the terrorists on their home soil in Afghanistan, Iraq, and the surrounding areas.
It has been over 8 years since the start of combat operations, and according to the most recent official Department of Defense casualty reports, over 4,000 brave service members have been killed in action, and over 35,000 have been wounded in action.
This week, it has been reported that the Commanding General of U.S. Forces operating in Afghanistan and
its surrounds has asked the Pentagon to authorize an additional deployment of between 30,000 to 40,000
new troops to the area. In news reports, General McChrystal has been quoted as saying the reason for the
new request is that, “…failure to gain the initiative and reverse insurgent momentum in the near-term… risks an outcome where defeating the insurgency is no longer possible.”
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The Catholic War Veterans of the U.S.A. today wants to remind President Obama as the Commander in Chief of our nation’s military forces that it is his duty to see to the welfare of every service member he deploys, and to provide for them the resources and governmental support necessary to obtain victory against any opposing forces he has set out for them to engage in defense of our nation.
With this in mind, we are very concerned that the current administration seems to have forgotten the reasons we initially responded militarily and declared a War on Terror. We believe that the administration now appears to be risking the lives of our fellow veterans in what has become an unfocused political endeavor, and that our troops are no longer being considered by our government to be operating in a clearly defined state of war.
To ensure that our military forces are used appropriately, we ask President Obama to publicly address the following questions:
1. What is your strategy for achieving total and final victory in the War on Terror?
2. Why is the current administration not making victory in the War on Terror a priority for the American people?
3. What is your plan for ensuring that all deployed troops will have your full and undivided attention, and support, for the missions you have ordered them to undertake?
4. What is your commitment to ensuring that our troops in the field are provided with a limit on return and multiple combat tours?
Mr. President, do not take lightly your decision to put our military in harm’s way. If it is your decision, we expect that you will do everything in your power to achieve victory for them and for the United States of America in the War on Terror.
We applaud our brothers and sisters in uniform for serving our country. In return we ask the American people to hold our government officials accountable to provide the best possible support and care for all of the soldiers, sailors, and airmen that have been, and will be, sent into battle on your behalf.
Founded in 1935, the Catholic War Veterans of the United States of America, Inc. is the preeminent national veterans service organization representing the Catholic military veterans of our nation. The CWV is the only Catholic organization to have been granted an official charter by the U.S. Congress. The CWV is a private, non-profit organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service under IRC 501(c) 4.

9 thoughts on “A View From Catholic War Veterans/ Founded in 1935”

  1. Mr. tiponeill –

    Obviously someone has been living under a rock for the past 8 years. And thanks for your support for the military that is dying so that you can make such an asinine statement as the one you posted. Please, do everyone a favor and crawl back under the rock.

  2. “Living under a rock” – such a reasoned response.
    In the meantime:
    “In March 2009, the Obama administration requested that Pentagon staff members avoid use of the term, instead using “Overseas Contingency Operation”
    War on Terror
    It has nothing to do with support of the military and everything to do with clear thinking, which seems to be a weak point for this particular group of veterans .

  3. It does appear that this press release from CWV is sort of whispering that the concept of  St. Augustine’s ‘Just War” is coming under scrutiny, but not for the soldier but for the lack of reciprocity from the Commander in Chief and the American people.
    The day of Rosie the Riveter has assuredly passed, yet who is asked to do a thing for a war effort anymore.? The notion of American people sacrificing anything is humorous.  We just sacrifice our children.
    Note, I am not expressing favor or dis-favor for this war,  that for the first time in American History, has no geographical base.  All previous wars had known territory. Where are the terrorists—tell me?
    Our new veterans are called GWOT”S/ Global War on Terror Veterans. Pretty cosmic eh?  So then how do you know if you are winning of loosing if the battle field is a movable feast?
    We have not declared War since June of 1941. These new age wars are called “Wars of Assimilation” and they do not need me or  you or any of the American people to be fought. You can easily trace this trend back to a State Department Document that was commissioned in 1962. It was titled  ” A World Effectively Controlled by the United Nations.” The author was Dr. Lincoln Bloomfield of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Then proceed to reading a fiction short story entitled “The Origins of  The Military Coups of 2012″ in the United States Army War College magazine called Parameters: 1992.You can find it online.  After reading these documents both chicken hawks, real hawks, and real doves will see the world order with a much broader perspective.

  4. “What is your strategy for achieving total and final victory in the War on Terror?’

    They must be kidding.  There is currently no forseeable end to America’s export of terror and, likewise, no forseeable end to our import of terror or the so-called “War on Terror”.

    Does anybody see an end to the other “War”; the “War on Drugs”? 

  5. Does anyone recall the story about how General Smedley Butler was recruited to overthrow FDR and the Workers Party of America, whom built the mass of our roads and bridges? Do you recall what happened to that “coups” attempt?

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