PTSD Tapes From Pointman Ministries

PTSD seminar tapes available for free download
From 1989 – 1993, William Kimball (a Vietnam veteran) traveled around the United States giving seminars about how to identify and deal with PTSD from a biblical perspective. With his permission, we copied 5 audio tapes from his seminars to .mp3 files and have made them available as free downloads at the link below. You may freely copy these mp3 files and share them with others. However, you may not sell them under any circumstances. There is also a PTSD FAQ link off of the main link below. We welcome your comments about these audio tapes and this link in general. To download these .mp3 files, please visit:

3 thoughts on “PTSD Tapes From Pointman Ministries”

  1. Pingback: Randy

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