A Belated Congratulations To Councilman-Elect Steve Kozachik

I have to apologize to Steve for not posting this right after the election count. I was out of town on Election Day, and then it just slipped by me.

So why congratulate Steve at a Veterans site? It is because he is the first elected local official that has shown an active, and I do mean active interest in the welfare of our returning veterans.

He hosted many events for these men and women and expressed interest in keeping their needs at the forefront of his governing. It is this zeitgeist that he creates around him, that got him elected. And I would speculate that nearly 1000 of our veterans for whom I helped him garner support, were responsible for much of the cross-over vote, as I know many of them to be Democrats, and Independents. ( I am a 30 year Independent)

The outgoing Councilwoman and staff promised on numerous occasions to host, Welcome Home Forums for our veterans transitioning to civilian life. There was no follow through on this and many other declarations made to constituents.

The first of these forums was just held at Himmel Park Library. Now that Steve K will be domiciling at Ward 6 Office, I am certain we will be welcome as we launch a nationwide program for understanding the unique needs of the combat veteran. Congratulations Steve. We got your back!

9 thoughts on “A Belated Congratulations To Councilman-Elect Steve Kozachik”

  1. I am surprised what you said above about Councilmember Trasoff and her staff in not assisting you with the Veteran’s Forum you recently hosted on Nov. 19 at Himmel Park Library, which is in her ward.  Hope Councilmember-elect Kozachik has more follow through, as this is a very important issue to our returning vets from Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as other vets like you.

  2. Tip. Do you have  any idea of how many Democrats  voted for the guy? Do you know him?  Why are you so angry all the time?  Why would  you want to “kick out” someone who was elected fair and  square? Do you know that he has already named long standing Democrats to his staff?

  3. Interesting.

    He seems like a nice guy. 

    Too bad his fellow party members are pushing for ward only elections because he lost his ward.

    He also placed Rio Nuevo on his front doorstep, using his experience building projects asa  reason to vote for him.  It might come back to haunt him once he realizes what a mess it is.

    He might be a one termer.


  4. I agree, Andy, with the haunting part, as downtown seems to have haunted many a soul for the past 40 years. I think it needs an exorcism!
    There are indeed members of his Party that will beg for our “checks and balances”, especially with ideological bents.
    As for one term…4 years is long time.

  5. Mike, I ran into Councilmember Trasoff at the dedication of the new Fire Station downtown.  She asked  “to set the record straight”, by stating that you did not contact her Ward 6 office or her about having a Veteran’s Forum at her office.   So I’m relaying that information to you for a response.  She read my previous comment up above on Nov. 25. Thanks.

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