A Simple Question To Our Veteran Freedom Fighters

Once upon a time my dear mother used to suggest to us a question to ask of ourselves should we to be faced with a conundrum or an real ethical pickle. Her advice was shockingly simple. She would say, “sons there is a three letter ‘F’ word that is much more powerful than the four letter ‘F’ word. It is this, “For.” Always ask yourself, who is this “for?”

With a national debt hovering a bit over $11 trillion dollars and $3.3 trillion of that being foreign creditors, I put to you this question, who are we fighting for?

China, $770 billion. Japan $687 billion. Taiwan/Hong Kong $153 billion. Germany $55 billion. Brazil $127 billion. Russia $ billion. And billions more spread out with France, Switzerland, Ireland, Korea and Singapore.

So, how did we get to a debtor status from a creditor status so fast and who done did it?

And FOR whom are our soldiers fighting? It appears that our sovereign nation status has been sold off at a series of international auctions. Does this not neuter our voting democracy? Who voted for this? Who is this all “For?”

If the Bank of Singapore is bailing out many of our banking institutions, why buy a home? Would it not be more patriotic to be a renter? The likelihood of your landlord being American is a bit higher than your Mortgage holder/entity being a citizen of the U.S.

Did China just trick us? While we are off saving the the Afghans and Iraqi’s from themselves and their internal corruption fueled by opium, China is growing itself internally. 75% of their Cabinet members are engineers. We have 3 engineers in our congress. Who are we working “for”. Who are we fighting “for?” Did they just turn us into a proxy United Nations force?

Are they “for” us?

8 thoughts on “A Simple Question To Our Veteran Freedom Fighters”

  1. Very interesting question! one should probably also ask, what is the purpose? This relates to all that we do, and I believe is also lost on congress and the white house. I think politicians have lost their compass and reason to be there in washington. Your point of the number of engineers tells how little progress will be made on any issue coming out of DC. Engineers are trained to accomplish something and move on to the next project, lawyers just talk about the issues. Its how they are trained.

  2. The answer to your question is complicated.  I recommend the book “Financial Fiasco” by Johan Norberg.  This traces the history of our current financial state.  There is plenty of blame to go around.

  3. You might want to examine your own use of the phrase “freedom fighter” to describe our military.
    If you really mean someone who fights to free their country, or to keep it free, then the last “freedom fighter” veterans the US has are the veterans of WWII – every military conflict since then has been for other reasons, and we have often been the military attempting to defeat the “freedom fighters” of other countries.

    1. “every military conflict since then has been for other reasons”

      and how was our involvement in ww2 to free or keep free the u.s. at the time of our entry into the war?

      pearl caused by our blockade of japan?
      ships conveying weapons to europe being attacked?

  4. Just remember that in 2000 we had a balanced budget – no, a SURPLUS – and were paying off the national debt!  Then Bush, Cheney and the Republican-led Congress went to war in Iraq, introduced Medicare Part D, and cut taxes. Now Republicans are screaming about deficits and how Obama is leading us to destruction and how people need to put them back in power. Now that is a frightening thought!

  5. mopckoe, I believe tip is in agreement with you, as he is only referencing a timeline after WWll.  June, 1941,  is the last time America declared war.
    It is now formally acknowledged by the DOD that the Gulf of Tonkin,(1964), incident did not actually occur as LBJ reported.  Is this with impunity for life? I guess so, since no one seems to care when  a lie is promulgated.
    For years many of us Vietnam Veterans could not join a VFW because we were not formally veterans of a foreign war. Korea is the same. There is a news story on the memorial wall at the local VA,  about a young  19 year old soldier who was denied care in the 50’s because he was not a “Veteran of a Foreign War.”  Alot of hard feelings here, that run deep in many families. The VFW corrected this years ago, but still the sentiment about what we are all about in these endless conflicts, and why we are going alone-(which did not happen in WWll with our arsenal of allies), is something that needs to be  in constant dialogue if we are to retain our liberty with honesty.
    We do still have “nativists” in this country that believe we should protect OUR shores and that is all.
    Most all of these uses of our military  can be traced to a document that we have been slavishly following for 48 years.  A  State Department commissioned study by a Dr. Lincoln Bloomfield of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that was submitted in 1962, entitled, “A World Effectively Controlled by the United Nations, has directed much of our Military strategy. Its purpose was to describe a “stable military environment, that could be based on official U.S. disarmament proposals, particularly the State Department’s 1961, Freedom From War blueprint for general and complete disarmament.
    The term is “wars of assimilation.” That is the official  lexicon. Our current war is fought for the same end…disarmament. So we have mini-wars to prevent real wars!
    Yes, it is clearly schizophrenic but we do not seem to have another solution to the ad infinitum violence in the ranks of humanity.
    Our current vets are called, GWOT’s‘  Global War on Terrorism.  Since the dawn of our nation,our wars have always had a geographical base and a solidly defined end game, with a buy in from the common citizen coupled with a sense of sacrifice. Now, there is no geographic locale for terrorism, very little buy in, a fuzzy end game, virtually no allies, and scant sacrifice from the American people. Rosie the Riveter died.
    So, I return to the original question, who is this for? And how will we pay for it? A loan from the Bank of Singapore?

    1. Hey Mike: If my old age and all the Grateful Dead concerts that I attended back in the late 1960’s haven’t warped what’s left of my brain that much. I’d swear that it was Monday, December 8, 1941, not sometime in June, 1941, was the date that Congress declared war on Japan, after hearing FDR’s firey ‘Day of Infamy’ speech.
      Correct me if I’m wrong.  —  Yer pal, Ferrari Bubba

  6. These problems have their genesis in the Federal Reserve System.  The Fed is a privately owned banking cartel given the legal right to create the country’s money (Federal Reserve Notes or dollars).  When the govenment spends more than it taxes or can raise through selling bonds at public auction, it goes to the Fed for a loan.  The Fed provides the loan at interest.  The money for the loan is created out of thin air – this is called a fiat currency – it is backed by nothing.

    The Federal Reserve System REQUIRES that the total amount of money be constantly expanded.  It also means that the National Debt can never be paid off because one cannot pay a debt by borrowing more to pay it off.  Since government continuously spends more than it takes in, new money expands faster than goods or services are created, which leads to the vast majority of inflation.  Inflation is primarily a case of devalued money, it is a hidden tax on every dollar you hold and it makes us all poorer.  In the history of the world all fiat currencies have returned to their true value through inflation – nothing.  

    The Fed controls the economy through monetary policy and deliberately sets up boom and bust cycles to increase their power.  Hence the Fed controls Wall Street.   He who makes the money also controls the lawmakers because of his ability to call in outstanding loans and deny new ones, therefore the Fed also controls Washington, D. C.

    United States foreign and domestic policy makes much more sense when you can understand who dictates the policies and why.

    Within a generation after the Fed’s creation in 1913, America went from being the largest creditor nation to the largest debtor in the world.   It has also suffered through the worst economic downturns in its history because of the Fed’s ‘loose money’/easy credit periods followed by constricting the money supply.

    The American military has gradually turned into another unwitting tool for global hegemony.  In my opinion none of our current operations have anything to do with supporting and defending the Constitution or protecting Americans.  We are merely involved in extending control over natural resources and subduing players that will not play the game by New York bankers’ rules. 

    To end the problem we must first outlaw the Federal Reserve System.  Anything else is merely putting cosmetics on a system that is designed to destroy the American middle class and undermine the Constitutional Republic.

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