When Spirits Are Broken: By Bill Fort

Some of my fellow bloggers have suggested that I turn some light on some of our local veterans and some vets that we never hear about in the news. I want to share a poem written by a local Marine, Billy Fort. He gave it to me a few years back. Billy was instrumental in establishing the Vietnam Veterans of America Museum that has been at Nam Jam for many years and has touched the hearts of so many veterans and their families. Stories and poems heal. This one does.


When spirits are broken and visions are numbing
Tear drops are running and the quiet is humming

When the jungle is sweating and leeches are crawling
spiders are running and rock apes are brawling

When monsoons are pouring and a body seems friendless
rivers are running and the battle seems winless

When leaves are popping and branches are falling
Everyone is running and voices are calling

When rockets are screaming and fuel dumps are burning
short timers are running and green boots are learning

When mortars are dropping and choppers are flying
corpsmen are running and grown men are crying

When spirits are broken and visions are numbing
Tear drops are running and the quiet is humming

William Fort

Bill Fort served with the 2nd Battalion 4th Marines in Vietnam at the Battle of Dai Do.

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