Mindfulness is a simple and radical approach to dealing with the stress
phenomena. Simple, because it is an innate ability of the mind. Radical,
because it is going to the root of the stress creation phenomena within us. With
mindfulness practices, we slow down the perception process and most likely
abate the unnecessary stimulation of stress physiology. By simply .
strengthening our ability to pay attention on purpose to each present moment
without trying to change anything, we begin to create an atmosphere for rest,
recovery, and for new insights about how to relate to ourselves and our
stressors. Whatever is happening is happening and the clearer we can see it,
the more skillful our response can be. We are refreshing our ability to “be” with
ourselves and to trust our abilities to deal with what arises.
While mindfulness is innate, it is underdeveloped for most of us. While it is
healing, there is a lot in our daily life that discourages this way of being. This is
why MBSR is so helpful for many who are interested in exploring the
possibilities of mind/body methods. Through the formal meditation practices
which we teach and encourage you to practice daily, you cultivate mindfulness
in a systematic way. Through the group process and the integration of
mindfulness into daily living, you learn how to make it relevant for you and how
to sustain it in new situations. Many findthat this way of being’,’ present arid
responsive, has a far greater affect than reducing stress.
“… there is nothing particularly unusual of mystical about meditating or being
mindful. All it involves is paying attention to your experience from moment to
moment. This leads directly to new ways of seeing and being in your life
because the present moment, whenever it is recognized and honored, reveals a
very special, indeed magical power: it is the only time that any of us ever has.
The present is the only time that we have to know anything. It is the only time
we have to perceive, to learn, to act, to change, to heal. That is why we value
moment-to-moment awareness so highly. While we may have to teach
ourselves how to do it through practicing, the effort itself is its own end. It makes
our experiences more vivid and our lives more real.”
Jon Kabat-Zinn, Full CatastroQhe Living,
How will I benefit?
Over 25 years of published research indicate that people who complete the
program report:
An ability to cope more effectively with both short and long term stressful
An increased ability to relax