2 thoughts on “Spouses and Family Members”

  1. Spouses will receive $125  for participating in a study of the effects of deployment on the temporarily single wives and husbands left to shoulder family responsibilities alone.
    To participate in this study at the U of A Psychology Department, candidates must be married to active-duty or reserve personnel who expect to deploy within 3 months. Participants will be asked to complete questionnaires concerning coping abilities and mechanisms at intervals of their spouse’s deployment. They will also be interviewed at the U of A lab at least once where stress levels will be monitored by a machine.
    For more information, call Jessie Borelli (an Air Force wife and post-doctoral fellow) at 626-7483 or deploymentstudy@gmail.com.

  2. Just learned today that Access Tucson is looking for spouses to interview for an upcoming program addressing the stresses on the homefront. Contact Lisa Jones at 622-1682

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