Veterans Day Parade 2010

So few Tucsonans  know that Tucson has one of  the longest running Veterans Day Parades in the nation. For 91 years,  the Morgan McDermott Post 7 of the American Legion has been at the helm of this deeply meaningful civic event. Since the opening of the VA Hospital after WWl, the American Legion downtown has played an integral role in painting and scripting the history of Tucson.

When you think about the comings and goings downtown Tucson, be reminded that the American Legion has outlasted  all retail and  services operations downtown. And they did so without subsidies, improvement districts, taxes, economic development directors and ungodly salaries. The tenure of  Post 7 of the American Legion has its life blood in the undying volunteerism of its members.

91 years they have shepherded this parade! That is stability folks, and that attribute and tribute is a by product of the Veterans that served in harms way so that downtowns could even exist! No freedom, no downtown.

I can hear Geico’s add now, with Gunny Ermey ordering  you all to attend, with your family and children, the 91st Annual Veterans Day Parade downtown Tucson.  Parade route can be found at, “MorganMcDermottPost7,” website and the Arizona Daily Star.

The Grand Marshall of the parade will be the American Legion State Commander, Dick Perry.  Parade Contest winners are announced and awarded their trophies at the Open House after the parade at the Legion Post, located at 330 West Franklin.  622-8703.

This event is always a real treat for family and friends.  The VVA Chapter 106 won a first place for creativity in 2000, and I will never forget the pride of all of us that worked on that float.   So get your fannies over to the parade and the post….”you namby pambies” Gunny Ermey told me to tell you!

When you visit the Post ask them how long Helen worked there and how long Louie has been a volunteer! It will blow you away.

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