The above URL address is the place to request a letter of appreciation for yourself or any family member who served in the Korean War. It is a very respectful gesture and offer from the President of Korea to our Korean War Veterans.
A small footnote to history; on the memorial wall in one of the hallways at the VA in Tucson, there is a newspaper article about a young 19 year old soldier who could not get health care at the local VA, because the conflict in Korea was not a declared war! Hard to imagine is it not? But then us Vietnam Veterans were not allowed to join particular VFW’s either, as we were not veterans of a Foreign (Declared) War. How far we have come.
Application Form for an Appreciation Letter
From the Republic of Korea President to Korean War Veterans
Section I – Veteran’s Personal Information
Last Name First Name Middle Name
— :——– —- – 6encler- -B-Male- -e-Female —— — -,- D-ate of Birth– —–.– ..-~
Street City State
Address • ___ 0. ____ .”.
Zip Code(9 digits) Country Email Address –_.”–
Phone Number Home: Cellular: (include area code)
Section II – Veteran’s Korean War Service Information
Military Service Number Branch of Service
Period of Service in the Korean Waremmlyyyy ) from through
r– Member of the US Korean – War Veterans _””‘Yes -0 No – –
Section III -Veteran’s Certification
I verify that I am a Korean War Veteran. (It is not necessary to belong to a Korean War Veterans
Association to receive the President’s Letter. A family member can sign for an incapacitated Veteran).
I authorize the Government of Korea and! or US Korean War Veterans Association to use this
information to provide me with the Letter of Appreciation from the President of the Republic of
Korea. The information will not be used for any other purpose.
” Veteran’s (or family member) signature & date
Name Signature Date