One Veterans Take on Obama's Birth Certificate

PrideFor starters, I sure hope this adolescent poppycock does not get milked for the balance of the summer. And by adolescent, I do mean the content of the question, which will be settled soon, but the way it plays out in the media, and the cottage industry and frenzy it creates in the minds of already marginally sane ideologues.
With that as a preface, I say that if Obama is not a citizen of the USA, then we have to be gravely concerned about the skill set of the FBI, CIA, NSA, and INS, as all of these agencies are mandated to vet a United States Senator prior to their taking the Oath of Office. If he ain’t the real McCoy than he is bringing down four agencies in the process. Fat chance.
The indolence of the major media in not knowing or addressing this fact of process and protocol is a story in itself.
Media indolence, however, is abound. In the 2000 Presidential election there was story flying across America about how overseas ballots were not “postmarked,” and therefore invalid. Americans bought this poppycock too. As a one time contributor to the Stars and Stripes I can tell you with certainty that correspondence from men and women at war is not postmarked and never has been since WWl, It comes by way of the Armed Forces Postal System and is frequently not dated. No media outlet reported this simple truth and milked the story and lathered the people of this fine land for months.
If you take this country of origin issue to its extreme than George Washington’s Presidency should be annulled as we was not a citizen of the United States. He was born in a British Colony. Mitt Romney’ father was born in Mexico, John McCain in Panama, and Barry Goldwaters birth place was questioned. So what’s for breakfast?
And why in the world anyone thinks a Birth Certificate is sacrosanct is beyond reason. Have you ever been in to an OB.GYN ward when a child is born? They will write in the name of the parents you tell them to write. No one asks for ID! Doctors will pre-sign the Birth Certificate leaving the fathers name blank. And someone thinks that these un-notarized documents are some form of Divine Edict?
The newspaper announcements of a child’s birth are equally valid as they name time,and place. There are three announcements of Obama’s birth in local papers in Hawaii. I suppose those news outlets were part of some grand conspiracy that is tied into the predictions of Nostradamus! My word, lets bring back the Lacey Petersen Trial for the summer.
Get some professional genealogists on the evening news and close the case. Hard to do when you have to fill 24/ 7 cable news for Mr. Murdoch. I think I will hang with the Tucson Citizen bloggers myself. No one here is taking any “527” money.

12 thoughts on “One Veterans Take on Obama's Birth Certificate”

  1. You make valid points but bottom line Obama could end all the speculation by simply providing the birth certificate. What does he have to hide. Also what does he have to hide witholding his medical and school records. And btw…media grilling. I don’t hear anything in the major media about this. If this was a repubulian they would have gone to the supream court with a lawsuit by now with this, you can count on this.

    1. Posted on the campaign website is a “Certificate of Live Birth” which is not at all the same thing as a State of Hawaii Birth Certificate. A certificate of live birth is a document anyone from anywhere can obtain in Hawaii no matter where in Hawaii or any other state or nation the child was born. To state that Obama has provided a State of Hawaii Birth Certificate is  a total lie and falsehood and meant only to mislead the ignorant even farther than the DNC has already mislead them.

  2. I’m not sure why this is still an issue. President Barack Obama was born in August 1961 in Honolulu.  Hawaii became  the 50th state in 1959 and all those born prior to that in the Trust Territory of Hawaii (including most of my large family most of whom are still  living there) are U.S. Citizens.

  3. It’s still an issue because a certain element of the right wing is prone to conspiracy theories.  They need them to rationalize to themselves why the rest of the world cannot see what seems so plainly obvious to them.  It is a method of avoiding cognitive dissonance; a very uncomfortable condition.

  4. The vetting function those agencies perform far exceed birth place and citizenship which are seemingly intertwined.  You declare, “there would  be no need to vet a Senator….”  This process is not in the realm of the common citizen or  the need of the electorate. It is a fiduciary duty to perform such due diligence background checks on behalf of National Security.  And that would not be considered specious, it would be called wise.  Those agencies do not lack that wisdom.

  5. Let me try one more time. Senators are vetted. There is no requirement as to where they are born only that they are citizens and you can be a citizen even if you were not born on American soil, consequently there is no requirement in the vetting process to establish without a doubt  the place of birth. Whether you like it or not there is a requirement as it pertains to TPOTUS. Rather than pretending that the issue is sophomoric leave it alone. If the charge is bogus it will come to light. If it is true… we’ll see.

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