Welcome Home For Arizona National Guard Transportation Company

Press Release: Welcome Home For Arizona National Guard

Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 11:25:20 -0700
Subject: PGR Mission -Welcome home -4/1/11
From: sazpgr@gmail.com

This Friday 4/1/11 the 163 members of the 2220th Transportation Company of the Arizona National Guard will be returning home to Tucson . They have been deployed in support of operation Iraqi Freedom for the past 12 months .
They are scheduled to arrive at 2 P.M. on Friday 4/1/11 at the AZARNG’s Armory located at 5500 Valencia Rd. (Just immediately west of the Pima Air Museum ) .
They are being transported by bus from Texas. (After all, they are a Transportation Company!)
The PGR has been invited to help welcome them home. They are our Tucson National Guard citizens who have answered their call to duty and they have represented us well.
Staging will be at the Service Station /Jack in the Box at the NE corner of I-10 and Valencia at 1200 on Friday 4/1/11.
Staging: 1 April 2011
Location: Jack In The Box, Valencia Rd and I-10 Tucson
KSU at Approximatly 1300.  (Times could change)
Sam  591-8645

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