I have been a mediator since 1972. I paid a rip snortin’ $75 for the course. I was one of the smartest things I did fresh out of Vietnam. It helped immensely with concentration in my early college years. Little did I know then what the symptoms of combat were and how they permeated my daily living, including happy hours! I cannot imagine what condition my psyche would have been were it not for the calming of the then unknown hyper-vigilance and emotional roller coaster that runs 24-7. TM in many ways was a salvation as it was preventive medicine for aspects of my then personality that could have been a major obstacle to all achievements and relationships.
I still meditate daily for the past 40 years, and I highly recommend this program for returning veterans.
The Gala is helping support scholarships for those veterans of war.
Major General
James L. Williams,
USMC (Ret)
Recently retired as
the Commanding
General of the 4th
Marine Division, the
largest infantry
division in the U.S.
Bill Walton
National Basketball
Hall of Fame
Colonel Brian M.
Rees, M.D., M.PH.
Medical Corps,
US Army Reserve;
Completed four tours
in Iraq and
Stephen Collins
Star of 7th Heaven;
TV, Broadway and
Film actor
Daniel Rodriguez
America’s Tenor
Copyright 2012, David Lynch Foundation. All rights reserved.
One thought on “Transcendental Meditation As Good As Happy Hour”
This is great news! Enjoyed reading Brewer’s personal account of the benefits of TM.
This is great news! Enjoyed reading Brewer’s personal account of the benefits of TM.