Information provided by Marana Marine Corps League. Nighthawk 72 Detachment.
The IRS is looking to bring on Veterans who are eligible for VRA, 30% or
more, Schedule A and VEOA for the following entry level positions:
* Revenue Agent (Degree which includes 26-30 hours of Accounting)
* Revenue Officer (Degree)
* Information Technology Management Specialists series 2210
(Computer Science, Computer Engineers, Information Technology,
Programmers and others).
* Clerical and Admin (Admin and clerical experience a plus)
Please share with Veterans and with your partners. The Veterans
Employment Program Office wants to make sure that we provide highly
qualified Veterans to the employment office and to hiring managers for
these positions. Please have veterans submit their complete packages
and the attached contact card to no later than June
29th. A checklist has been attached which provides a listing of what a
complete package includes.
Grade level and locations have not been determined at this time.
Want to know more about VRA, 30% or more, Schedule A and VEOA, please