The most striking aspect of this phenomena, is the number of men in their 80’s for whom I help gain the benefits they earned and were promised upon enlistment. many of them do not distinguish between the disability process and basic VA Health care. Many more are not aware of the non-service connected disability process. America works hard to keep its veterans healthy and out of hospitals.
Most Veterans Still Unaware of Benefits
Week of November 26, 2012
More than half of America’s veterans say they have little or no understanding of the benefits due them, despite efforts over recent years to match returning soldiers with the help and services they need. One major change came last week when a new law will mandate all departing servicemembers go through a series of detailed benefits sessions. For more information, read the full article on and visit the Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Services webpage at
Can you tell me why the VA has decided that senior veterans receiving benefits must go to a southern state in the winter to receive their benefits? This has happened to a vet I know and he has no money to go to AZ. He ans his wife have a little income and she worked in Jackson Hole WY where they are given a place to live as part of their income. he requires about $24,000 a year i medication and they cannot afford that. So they are desperate to find a place to stay in the cold months. This sounds to me like the VA is cutting off its vets who can not afford to move. It is really awful. He is in the last stages of Alzheimer disease and has a bad heart. Moving upsets him and they will lose their income if the go South. How can they do this to him? What kind of advantage can this possible give them except to cut him off form his meds so he will die a horrible death and kill his wife as they would also deny him hospice or nursing care, It is a shame, a real shame the Va is killing off the senior vets. If you can give me a valid reason for this torture i will pass it on to them, Right now that are in shock.