MOPH Supports Memorial Wall For Korean War Veterans

Compliments of Larry Brown/ MOPH Phoenix
MOPH Legislative Support 13 February 2013
MOPH Headquarters Communication Header


13 February 13, 2013
The Honorable Doc Hastings
Chairman, House Committee on Natural Resources
1324 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Mr. Chairman:
The Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH), whose membership is comprised entirely of combat wounded veterans, expresses support for H.R. 381, to authorize a Wall of Remembrance as part of the Korean War Veterans Memorial.
This Wall of Remembrance, which would not require any federal funds, would not only recognize those who made the ultimate sacrifice by listing their names on the Wall, but would further enhance this already special memorial. This Wall of Remembrance would also serve to educate future generations by listing the number of Americans who served during the war, the number of those wounded in action and various other statistics concerning the Korean War.
With the 60th Anniversary of the cease fire on July 27, 1953 approaching this year, MOPH urges your committee to move expeditiously to pass this legislation through your committee and Congress.
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