RSVP Form For Dinner In Honor of Arizona Vietnam Veterans

In Honor of Arizona Vietnam Veterans
I (we) will attend the event In Honor of Arizona Vietnam Veterans on October 5, 2013 at
Scottsdale Plaza Resort, 7200 North Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85253. The tables are
rounds of ten people each. List the names of all ten people at your table; otherwise, you
will be seated space available. If you desire to be seated with someone in particular, please
register together on the same RSVP. Business attire/casual or Army Class A or service
equivalent is appropriate for the dinner. Registration and no-host bar are at 5:30 to
6:30pm when the program begins.
Please legibly print names, addresses, and contact phone numbers of attendees. No tickets
will be issued. Attendees will be checked off a list when they attend the event. For
questions, call Joe at 520-868-6777. Enclosed is (are) check(s) for the following listed
Event is $45.00 per attendee. Enclosed is my payment in the amount of $___________
for members in my group.
Make Check payable to: Arizona Military Museum.
Mail check to:
Arizona Vietnam Veterans’ Dinner
Joseph E. Abodeely, Director, AZ Military Museum
9014 North Wealth Road
Maricopa, Arizona 85139

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