Department of Veterans Affairs outlines FY2013 funding request | ||
VA Department of Veterans Affairs
Office of Public Affairs Media Relations Washington, DC 20420 (202) 461-7600 News Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE VA Budget Request Tops $140 Billion for Veterans Programs
WASHINGTON — With more than 1 million active-duty personnel scheduled to join the ranks of America’s 22 million Veterans during the next five years, the President has proposed a $140.3 billion budget for the Department of Veterans Affairs for the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1.
“As our newest Veterans return home, we must give them the care, the benefits, the job opportunities and the respect they have earned, while honoring our commitments to Veterans of previous eras,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki.
Shinseki said the budget proposal, which must be approved by Congress, would fund services for newly discharged Veterans, continue the drive to end homelessness among Veterans, improve access to benefits and services, reduce the disability claims backlog, improve the Department’s collaboration with the Defense Department and strengthen its information-technology program that is vital for delivering services to Veterans.
“As we turn the page on a decade of war, we are poised at an historic moment for our Nation’s armed forces,” Shinseki said. “The President has charged VA to keep faith with those who served when they rejoin civilian life.”
The budget request includes $64 billion in discretionary funds, mostly for medical care, and $76 billion for mandatory funds, mostly for disability compensation and pensions.
If approved by Congress, the new spending levels would support a health care system with 8.8 million enrollees and growing benefits programs serving nearly 12 million Servicemembers, Veterans, family members and survivors, including the eighth largest life insurance program in the nation; education benefits for more than 1 million Americans; home loan guarantees for more than 1.5 million Veterans and survivors; plus the largest national cemetery system in the country.
Here are highlights from the President’s 2013 budget request for VA. Medical Care
The President’s proposed budget seeks $52.7 billion for medical care, a 4.1 percent increase over the $50.6 billion approved by Congress for the current fiscal year, and a net increase of $165 million above the advance appropriations level already enacted for FY 2013.
For the next fiscal year, VA estimates 6.33 million patients will use VA for health care. About 610,000 of those patients will be Veterans of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. The budget request also would provide:
* $403 million for the gender-specific health care needs of women Veterans, improving their access to services and treatment facilities;
* $6.2 billion for mental health, a 5.3 percent increase in funding over the current level, making possible increased outreach and screenings, expansion of innovative technologies for self-assessment and symptom management of post-traumatic stress disorder, and enhancements to programs that reduce the stigmas of mental health;
* $7.2 billion for long-term care, meeting VA’s commitment to provide long-term care in the least restrictive and most clinically appropriate settings, such as non-institutional programs that serve a daily population of about 120,000 people;
* $583 million in direct appropriations for medical research, which receives another $1.3 billion from other sources, with emphasis on research for traumatic brain injury, suicide prevention, PTSD and genomic medicine;
* $792 million to support the activation of health care facilities, including new hospitals in New Orleans, Las Vegas, Denver and Orlando, Fla.
Funding in VA’s major construction account of $396.6 million is provided to continue construction of new medical facilities at Seattle, Dallas, St. Louis and Palo Alto, Calif.
Since enactment of the Veterans Health Care Budget Reform and Transparency Act in 2009, VA includes an advance appropriations request for medical care in the Budget submission. Included in today’s spending request is $54.5 billion for FY 2014, which begins Oct. 1, 2013. This request for advance appropriations will support nearly 6.38 million unique patients and fulfill our commitment to Veterans to provide timely and accessible high-quality medical services. The Administration will review the initial advance appropriations request in the FY 2014 budget cycle.
Veterans Job Corps
The 2013 budget proposes $1 billion over five years for a Veterans Job Corps, a new effort to leverage skills Veterans developed in military service for a range of jobs protecting and rebuilding America’s public lands. The initiative would put up to 20,000 Veterans to work on projects to restore America’s lands and resources.
Disability Pay, Pensions
In the next fiscal year, VA projects it will receive about 1,250,000 claims for Veterans disability benefits. This is a 4 percent increase from the 1.2 million projected for this fiscal year.
Shinseki noted that today’s claims from Veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, on average, total 8.5 disabilities per Veteran, a rate nearly double that for claims by Veterans of earlier eras and a substantial increase in the workload for VA employees who administer the benefits system.
By 2013, the budget projects no more than 40 percent of compensation and pension claims will be more than 125 days old, a significant cut from the 60 percent of claims exceeding that mark this year. Other improvements funded by the new budget include:
* A new case-management operating model that moves less complicated claims more quickly through the system;
* Additional eBenefits self-service features that allow registered Servicemembers, Veterans and their families to apply for benefits and manage certain aspects of their benefits accounts online;
* Publicly available electronic medical questionnaires that allow private physicians to provide VA with exactly the information needed for Veterans claims for disability compensation; and
* National implementation of a system for processing disability claims that will have all of VA’s regional offices, working in a digital, near-paperless environment by the end of 2013.
Veterans Homelessness
The proposed VA budget for fiscal year 2013 contains nearly $1.4 billion for programs that prevent or treat homelessness among Veterans. This is an increase of 33 percent, or $333 million, over the 2012 level, continuing the Department’s steady progress toward ending Veteran homelessness by 2015.
In the past year, the number of Veterans homeless on a given night has declined from 76,300 in 2010 to about 67,500 in 2011. By emphasizing rescue and prevention, the budget request envisions driving down the numbers to 35,000 by the end of fiscal year 2013. Some specific efforts funded in the new budget are:
* $21 million to provide 200 coordinators who will help homeless Veterans with disability claims, housing problems, job and vocational opportunities, and problems with the courts;
* $300 million to provide grants and technical assistance to community non-profits to maintain Veterans and their families in their current housing or to get them rapidly into housing;
* Provide grants and per diem payments to community-based organizations offering transitional housing to 32,000 homeless Veterans; and
* Build upon the recent success of a VA hiring fair in Washington, D.C., which drew about 4,000 Veterans and has led to about 500 hiring offers to date.
Education Program
The Post-9/11 GI Bill will help pay the educational expenses of more than 606,000 Servicemembers, Veterans, family members and survivors during the next fiscal year. Over the past two years, VA has successfully deployed a new IT system to support processing of Post-9/11 GI Bill education claims, and has seen a dramatic improvement in the timeliness and accuracy of its processing program during the same period.
A separate funding increase of nearly $9 million would expand the “VetSuccess on Campus” program from 28 campuses to 80, serving approximately 80,000 Veterans. The program provides outreach and supportive services during their transition from the military to college.
Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment
The budget request for 2013 would provide $233 million, a 14 percent increase over 2012, to administer VA’s vocational rehabilitation and employment program. The increase is focused on expanding services to wounded, ill and injured Servicemembers to ease their transition to the civilian sector. Program participants are expected to increase from 108,000 in 2011 to 130,000 next fiscal year.
National Cemeteries
Fiscal year 2013 will see $258 million for operation and maintenance of VA’s system of 131 national cemeteries if the budget proposal is accepted. The budget supports the initial implementation of a new policy to establish a national cemetery presence in eight rural areas.
Funding in VA’s Minor Construction budget request would finance $58 million for land acquisition, gravesite expansion and columbaria projects. Also included in the budget request is funding for online mapping of gravesite locations from the IT account.
With a funding request of $46 million, VA will continue its partnership with the states by funding the construction, expansion and improvement of state Veterans cemeteries, while continuing its support to Veterans cemeteries on tribal lands.
Information Technology
The 2013 budget proposal includes $3.3 billion for information technology, a $216 million increase over the current budget. VA operates one of the largest consolidated IT organizations in the world, supporting over 300,000 VA employees and about 10 million Veterans and family members who use VA programs. About 80 percent of the IT budget supports the direct delivery of health care and benefits to Veterans and their families.
The Department will build upon its unparalleled success rate of 89 percent on-time delivery of IT milestones by continued improvements in support of access to health care, ending Veterans homelessness and improved benefits delivery. VA will implement the integrated Electronic Health Record with Department of Defense, easing the transition from active status to the VA health care system by upgrading electronic health records for all Veterans to a single, common platform.
IT funding will enable VBA’s transformation to a digital and near paperless environment using the Veterans Benefits Management System, decreasing claims processing times by 50 percent, while VA’s telehealth programs will take advantage of new IT technologies, increasing VA’s ability to provide health care to Veterans in remote locations.
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Benefits For Veterans Exposed To Radiation
The National Association of Atomic War Veterans is on the prowl for approximately 195,000 veterans who were exposed to atomic atmospheric tests between 1945-1962. They are also looking for those who were part of the occupation forces at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
If these individuals have experienced any one of 21 different cancers that are directly linked to radiation exposure they may be entitled to a one time compensation of $75,000 from the United States Government, in accordance with the 1990 Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, or a monthy stipend up to $2673.oo a month from the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Since 1990 very few have applied for this benefit that is also extended to widows and their children if the veteran died with the proper diagnosis and service connection.
The applicants need medical records and the location of the exposure. The application will be reviewed and verified by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency.
I am sure the reader here is stunned that this reminder memorandum is being sent around the nation years after most of these men and women have passed on.
Did anyone actually think the government responds in a timely fashion?
I knew a fine gentlemen, who resided in Nogales,Arizona, that was at ground zero at Hiroshima in Grave Identification. No question about his exposure. His name was Joel. He was 86 year old. I helped him with his claim. He could not collect it because he was a dual citizen of the U.S. and Mexico.
Another local man named Jim, was exposed while attending ABC School, (Atomic Biological Chemical Warfare), in 1962. He has enumerable rare cancers. He has been fighting for his claim for 21 years.
Give the Government credit. They learned how to speed up the research for the modern day veterans. It only took them 30 years to recognize Agent Orange exposure.
Review Of Veterans Affairs Budget 2013
CONTACT: Amy Mitchell (202) 225-3527
***** MEDIA ADVISORY *****
Committee to Review 2013 VA Budget
WASHINGTON, D.C.—On Wednesday, February 15, 2012, at 10:30 A.M., in Room 334 of the Cannon House Office Building, the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs will hold a hearing to review the 2013 VA Budget.
WHO: House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
The Honorable Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Accompanied by:
The Honorable Robert A. Petzel, M.D., Under Secretary for Health
Veterans Health Administration
Ms. Allison A. Hickey, Under Secretary for Benefits
Veterans Benefits Administration
Mr. Steve L. Muro, Under Secretary for Memorial Affairs
National Cemetery Administration
The Honorable Roger W. Baker, Assistant Secretary for Information and Technology
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Mr. W. Todd Grams, Executive In Charge, Office Of Management & Chief Financial Officer
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Panel 2
Mr. Carl Blake, National Legislative Director
Paralyzed Veterans of America
Mr. Raymond C. Kelley, Director, National Legislative Service
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States
Mr. Joseph A. Violante, National Legislative Director
Disabled American Veterans
Ms. Diane Zumatto, National Legislative Director
Mr. Timothy M. Tetz, Director, National Legislative Commission
The American Legion
Vietnam War History Some May Have Missed
There; but for the grace of GOD:
A little history most people will never know.Interesting Veterans Statistics off the Vietnam Memorial Wall“Carved on these walls is the story of America , of a continuing quest to preserve both Democracy and decency, and to protect a national treasure that we call the American dream.” ~President George Bush
SOMETHING to think about – Most of the surviving Parents are now Deceased.There are 58,267 names now listed on that polished black wall, including those added in 2010.
The names are arranged in the order in which they were taken from us by date and within each date the names are alphabetized. It is hard to believe it is 36 years since the last casualties.
Beginning at the apex on panel 1E and going out to the end of the East wall, appearing to recede into the earth (numbered 70E – May 25, 1968), then resuming at the end of the West wall, as the wall emerges from the earth (numbered 70W – continuing May 25, 1968) and ending with a date in 1975. Thus the war’s beginning and end meet. The war is complete, coming full circle, yet broken by the earth that bounds the angle’s open side and contained within the earth itself.
The first known casualty was Richard B. Fitzgibbon, of North Weymouth , Mass. Listed by the U.S. Department of Defense as having been killed on June 8, 1956. His name is listed on the Wall with that of his son, Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Richard B. Fitzgibbon III, who was killed on Sept. 7, 1965.
There are three sets of fathers and sons on the Wall.
39,996 on the Wall were just 22 or younger.8,283 were just 19 years old.The largest age group, 33,103 were 18 years old.12 soldiers on the Wall were 17 years old.5 soldiers on the Wall were 16 years old.One soldier, PFC Dan Bullock was 15 years old.997 soldiers were killed on their first day in Vietnam .1,448 soldiers were killed on their last day in Vietnam .31 sets of brothers are on the Wall.Thirty one sets of parents lost two of their sons.54 soldiers on the Wall attended Thomas Edison High School in Philadelphia . I wonder why so many from one school.8 Women are on the Wall. Nursing the wounded.244 soldiers were awarded the Medal of Honor during the Vietnam War; 153 of them are on the Wall.Beallsville , Ohio with a population of 475 lost 6 of her sons.West Virginia had the highest casualty rate per capita in the nation. There are 711 West Virginians on the Wall.The Marines of Morenci – They led some of the scrappiest high school football and basketball teams that the little Arizona copper town of Morenci (pop. 5,058) had ever known and cheered. They enjoyed roaring beer busts. In quieter moments, they rode horses along the Coronado Trail, stalked deer in the Apache National Forest . And in the patriotic camaraderie typical of Morenci’s mining families, the nine graduates of Morenci High enlisted as a group in the Marine Corps. Their service began on Independence Day, 1966. Only 3 returned home.The Buddies of Midvale – LeRoy Tafoya, Jimmy Martinez, Tom Gonzales were all boyhood friends and lived on three consecutive streets in Midvale, Utah on Fifth, Sixth and Seventh avenues. They lived only a few yards apart. They played ball at the adjacent sandlot ball field. And they all went to Vietnam . In a span of 16 dark days in late 1967, all three would be killed. LeRoy was killed on Wednesday, Nov. 22, the fourth anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Jimmy died less than 24 hours later on Thanksgiving Day. Tom was shot dead assaulting the enemy on Dec. 7, Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.The most casualty deaths for a single day was on January 31, 1968 ~ 245 deaths. TET!The most casualty deaths for a single month was May 1968 – 2,415 casualties were incurred.For most Americans who read this they will only see the numbers that the Vietnam War created. To those of us who survived the war, and to the families of those who did not, we see the faces, we feel the pain that these numbers created. We are, until we too pass away, haunted with these numbers, because they were our friends, fathers, husbands, wives, sons and daughters. There are no noble wars, just noble warriors.
Wall To Wall Ride Raising Awareness For Veterans Services
Jeremy Staat, alumnus and veteran, will be embarking on a Wall to Wall
bicycle ride across the country to raise awareness and support for veteran
services and causes throughout the nation.
The tour will begin at the Wall of Valor in Bakersfield, Calif. on Feb. 19
and stretch 4,623 miles over the course of 100 days to the Vietnam Memorial
Wall in Washington D.C.
Friend and veteran Wesley Barrientos will accompany Staat on the Wall to
Wall tour. Born in Guatemala, Barrientos enlisted in the U.S. Army upon
turning 18 years old. It was during his third tour of Iraq in 2007 that his
military convoy was struck by an explosive device, resulting in the
amputation of both his legs.
Staat, a native of Bakersfield, Calif., attended Arizona State University in
the spring 1996. He soon became a member of the Sun Devil football team,
where he met friend and teammate Pat Tillman.
Of his relationship with ASU alum and fallen soldier Pat Tillman, Staat
recalls, „It was a relationship of brothers. We didn‚t need to hang out or
talk every day. We would just keep each other up to date on what was going
on in each other’s life.‰
After being drafted into the National Football League (NFL), Staat had
stints with the Oakland Raiders and St. Louis Rams. It was while recovering
from a knee injury that he learned of Tillman‚s passing.
„My mom called me and was beside herself. She kept saying, „he‚s gone, Pat‚s
gone,‰ he said. „I lost it and when I got back to my apartment I just sat
there and cried. His death put a lot of things in perspective for me though.
Having already acquired NFL retirement benefits that Tillman urged him to
secure, Staat retired from football and enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps.
He was quickly sent to the Marine Corps Recruiting Depot in San Diego,
California for 13 weeks of basic training.
„They do what they do, not for the money, but for the love of their
country,‰ Staat said. „I loved being part of a team that was making a
difference, and being in the branch of the military that could be anywhere
in the world in 24 hours in an emergency situation.‰
Upon successfully completing basic training with knowledge of the weapons
systems, Staat was eventually deployed to Iraq. Aside from his service in
combat, Staat also managed to donate basic supplies and toys to the children
of Iraq with the help of his friends at local churches in the U.S.
In 2007 when Staat returned from abroad he decided to finish education via
ASU online. In 2009, he proudly received a bachelor‚s degree in liberal arts
and sciences.
„No one can ever take away your education. Getting my degree was one of my
biggest accomplishments, especially since I was battling dyslexia.‰ Statt
The Wall to Wall ride is part of the Jeremy Staat Foundation. Through the
foundation, Staat works as a motivational speaker in classrooms throughout
the nation, recalling the life experiences of himself and others on the
Veteran Speaking Board. The cause runs strictly off donations from the
community to help keep much-needed funds in the classroom.
The ride will make a stop in Tempe, Ariz., March 8 and 9. To learn more
about the tour, please visit or
Natasha Karaczan,
Media Relations
Veteran Veritas Has Doubts
I am no Pappa Hemingway, but I think in the terse and laconic way he used his verbs. I have also fought in a war with no glory as did Ernest. What aligns me with him is the lack of potency in the written word, as searing and penetrating as Hemingway was, to alter the behavior of a bellicose nation. War is a verb on steroids. Survival has no syntax, just symptoms and infinite costs.
The ravages of war and the psychic damage it brings have never in history been so paraded if front of polite society at is has in the last ten years of non-declared wars of assimilation.
T.S. Elliot put it aptly, “how much reality can humankind handle?”
The killings of the homeless men in Orange County by an Iraq combat veteran, were clearly the act of an aberrant man with a parallel life. It matters not that we was a Marine, sailor, soldier or Airman. He is yet another, “Canary,” in the tunnel of the aftermath of wars. Particularly, wars that ask for 4 and 5 tours of duty. No soldiers since the Crusades have served in as many campaigns. Why does this just slide by in the middle of the night while we have the “Four Non Horseman,” on stage debating about subjects that are mostly a distraction from the one budgetary item that is breaking the bank in the exact same way that the Russians went broke fighting in Afghanistan?
Why is there not more due diligence background checks on these young warriors prior to their enlistment? The paradoxes are abound. If the Orange County Marine, Ocampo, was to have applied for a disability claim based on PTSD, prior to his killing rampage, it would have likely been denied because of a pre-existing personality disorder condition. Yet we send them to war and make that very condition worsen to the point of cracking. The Catch-22 of all this would stun even Joseph Heller, the author.
Master Card does more homework than the Department of Defense. But we need numbers in the volunteer fighting force. Big numbers, were we to ever get entrapped into fighting on multiple fronts. Where will we find the future combatants? The Four Horseman of the GOP race suggest using illegal immigrants who are in search of citizenship. Is this the way of a proud sovereign nation that has spent the last 10 years demonizing undocumented workers who built 75% of the homes in the southwest?
Now they are good for cannon fodder because we are going to run out of volunteers who can pass background checks? Por mi Dios, what have we become?
Some 50,000 men and women will be returning to our neighborhoods in the next 6 months. 70% are healthy, holy, happy, proud and balanced veterans of war. Some 30% will be lacking the equanimity and oars to get them ashore in an economy that cannot take care of its existing work force. They are also entering the radio talk show America that is rife with angry polemic that nearly mimics the very cacophony from the streets of Iraq and Afghanistan. To us these endless paid for diatribes are freedom of speech. To the returning veteran they are called, “triggers.”
Who cares? Who in the neighborhood actually cares? Care with feet, not care with rhetoric?
The has provided a forum here for dialogue, outreach, and advice from fellow veterans. Most all the time it has remained in the category of helpful and guided toward betterment of the veterans condition.
But honestly, when you look at the statistics about our readers, as we get on a monthly basis, the community cares the most about, sports, Mexicans and guns, in that order.
The lip service given to, “Support the Troops,” is a sentiment that seems quite ephemeral. Meaningful for raising money for non-profits, but has little to do with the activity of daily living of most Americans. I have never in my life witnessed such a disconnect from soldiers and war.
Sure they are in the news and make for wonderful advertisements that touch our heartstrings, but who in the village is preparing for Johnnie and Joan when they coming marching home?
Two years ago there were a series of forums at Himmel Library, staffed by combat veterans, that focused on preparing the families of veterans who were transitioning. All of the presenters were published authors and all had struggled with the demons of war. What happened to these community forums? Has war so jaded us all that we are just flat worn out? Did T.S Elliot nail it by asking how much reality can humankind handle?
So where is my doubt? I doubt the efficacy and value of maintaining a blog, as an unpaid volunteer, that remains in the pantry of most Americans.
My gloom is not all pervasive. Veteran Veritas has for many a season been ranked in the top 25 of readers. We have have garnered many new followers and veterans from all over the United States , Great Britain, Scotland and Ireland.
My doubt stems from wondering if the publisher and owner of the Tucson Citizen, Gannett, cares. They provide absolutely no feedback to the contributors here. Curiously they are the owners of Military Times and USA Today, both of whom rely heavily on military readership. I was so naive as to think they might have sent us a Christmas card or something. A subscription to USA Today would be nice. Especially since they never leave enough in retail outlets.
At any rate, this online confessional of sorts for men and women of war, marches on with a desire to one day turn swords into plowshares and promulgate some sense of peace around the world, and offer some contentment inside the collective ranks of veterans who want to share their stories and struggles. The feedback I get from them is the only fuel that invigorates. Emails from Seattle to Tampa are what keep me tuned in. New pals who are veterans of the Army Special Forces in Great Britain are pretty buffed.
In the context of our Marine Corps motto and oath, “First to fight for right and freedom and to keep our honor clean…” I do not wane. A good Marine is always a peacekeeper first and will do what it takes to vanquish the evil forces on our planet. I wished it were different.
But I say again, my doubt is about the neutered, jaded, weary public that is rapidly acquiescing to corporate America and a war machine that has compromised its conscience and allowed itself to be more interested in Penn State pedophiles then men and women at war.
Our Editor Mark Evans has been great and always helpful. I expected more help from Gannett.
I will just lower my expectations and read the Sports page first, so as to be a regular American.
San Diego Union Names Person of The Year- The Marine
Marine recruits from 3rd Recruit Training Battalion, Company L , about to begin their graduation ceremony from boot camp, remain under their drill instructor’s watchful eye at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego. — Nelvin C. Cepeda
Written by
Today, the U-T launches a new tradition. Each Jan. 1, we will honor the Person of the Year, an individual or category of individuals with San Diego ties.
We can think of no better way to begin this tradition than by selecting as our first winner the Marine. Since Sept. 11, 2001, America has relied on the Marine to keep us safe from terror at home and to take the fight to our enemies abroad, a task our Marines have handled with immense courage, professionalism and honor.
Some of the 56,000 Marines based in San Diego County — the West Coast hub for Marine ground and air forces — have served a half-dozen or more tours of duty in Iraq or Afghanistan. Their sacrifices, and those of all the other military personnel based in our county, have been enormous.
Some have died, some have suffered horrific injuries, some are wounded in less-obvious ways. The Marine’s family also has borne a huge burden.
Yet the Marine perseveres, caring for loved ones, protecting our nation and demonstrating the wisdom of Marine Commandant Charles McCawley’s 1883 decision to make “semper fidelis” — Latin for “always faithful” — the Marine Corps motto. When not defending this nation abroad, the Marine is our neighbor, our friend, our children’s coach, our school’s supporter, a welcome, constructive and beloved member of our community.
The U-T is far from alone in its admiration. “Some people work an entire lifetime and wonder if they have ever made a difference to the world. But the Marines don’t have that problem,” President Ronald Reagan wrote in a letter to a young Marine about to deploy on a dangerous mission.
We couldn’t agree more.
In recognition of all the Marine has done for San Diego, for the United States and for the cause of freedom, the U-T salutes the Marine, our 2011 Person of the Year. Semper fi!
New Mobile Vet Centers
January 4, 2012
VA Deploying 20 New Mobile Vet Centers
Additions to Fleet Will Expand Veterans’ Access to VA Services Across U.S.
COLUMBUS, Ohio- The Department of Veterans Affairs today deployed 20 additional Mobile Vet Centers from the production facility of Farber Specialty Vehicles to increase access to readjustment counseling services for Veterans and their families in rural and underserved communities across the country.
“Mobile Vet Centers allow VA to bring the many services our Vet Centers offer Veterans to all communities, wherever they are needed,” said VA Under Secretary for Health Robert A. Petzel. “VA is committed to expanding access to VA health care and benefits for Veterans and their families, and these 20 new vehicles demonstrate that continued commitment.”
In an event attended by Petzel, U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, representatives of the Ohio congressional delegation, and Veterans service organizations, VA launched the 20 new vehicles to their destinations ranging across the continental United States, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.
These customized vehicles–which are equipped with confidential counseling space and a state of the art communication package—travel to communities to extend VA’s reach to Veterans, Servicemembers and their families, especially those living in rural or remote communities. The vehicles also serve as part of the VA emergency response program.
The 20 new, American-made vehicles will expand the existing fleet of 50 Mobile Vet Centers already in service providing outreach and counseling services. The 50 Mobile Vet Centers were also manufactured by Farber Specialty Vehicles. In fiscal year 2011, Mobile Vet Centers participated in more than 3,600 federal, state and locally sponsored Veteran-related events. The VA contract for the 20 Mobile Vet Centers totals $3.1 million.
Mobile Vet Center Launch 2/2/2/2
During the announcement event, Petzel also announced that Farber Specialty Vehicles recently won a competitive bid to produce 230 emergency shuttle vehicles for VA over the next five years. The shuttles will provide routine transportation for Veteran patients in and around various metro areas during normal operations, but convert to mobile clinics that will facilitate the evacuation of patients and their care teams during disasters and emergencies. The VA contract for the 230 emergency shuttles totals $53.5 million.
VA has 300 Vet Centers serving communities across the country, offering individual and group counseling for Veterans and their families, family counseling for military related issues, bereavement counseling for families who experience an active duty death, military sexual trauma counseling and referral, outreach and education, substance abuse assessment and referral, employment assessment and referral, VA benefits explanation and referral, and screening and referral for medical issues including traumatic brain injury and depression.
More than 190,000 Veterans and families made over 1.3 million visits to VA Vet Centers in fiscal year 2011.
To find out more about Vet Center services or find a Vet Center in your area, go to
The 20 new mobile Vet Centers will be based at:
- Birmingham, Ala.
- San Diego, Calif.
- Atlanta, Ga.
- Western Oahu, Hawaii
- Cedar Rapids, Iowa
- Evanston, Ill.
- Indianapolis, Ind.
- Baltimore, Md.
- Pontiac, Mich.
- Kansas City, Mo.
- Jackson, Miss.
- Greensboro, N.C.
- Lakewood, N.J.
- Reno, Nev.
- Stark County, Ohio
- Lawton, Okla.
- Ponce, Puerto Rico
- Nashville, Tenn.
- Washington County, Utah
- Green Bay, Wis.
# # #
Merry Christmas Tucson
So do you know how a combat veteran says Merry Christmas? Like this….”Merry Christmas … for CHRIST sake!”
All one need do is ask why the child Jesus was born. Once that miracle is grasped, the first tangible miracle in human history, most all else falls into place.
The world of pugnacity, polemic and pugilism spouted by small souls solely to get ahead of the other, is mostly a sideshow.
Salvation of the human race and the planet lies in the spiritual realm where the avatars of history have guided us.
The Christ Child born of a miracle to create miracles has never misguided us.
My vote is for Jesus. Merry Christmas fellow veterans!
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Training Free To Veterans