Category Archives: Veteran Legislative Update

Senate, House and State Government decisions impacting veterans.

Lest We Forget

The Arizona Immigration Legislation has cast a long shadow over the working of our State. It’s merit will most likely find its own level. Since its enactment, I detect nothing in the MSM about the passing of the following very fine piece of legislation that is only being spoken of in small group conversations. Very few Veterans know of its passing.  I guess it is just not sensational enough to garner attention.

The journalistic cliche marches on, “you cannot tell a story about- there was no plane wreck today.”  Veterans affairs frequently fall into that column. Lip service on Holidays and then 360 days of  dreary news.

I want to say thanks one last time for the effort and the assertiveness it took to get this bill passed. These college educated veterans are the ones who will be leading us out of the morass created by decades of political narcissism and phony polarities. They did not fight for that!

The following is the presentation made by David Alegria to the Arizona House of Representatives.

Arizona House Bill 2350 Purple Heart; Tuition Waiver Becomes Law
April 23, 2010
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed historic legislation granting tuition waivers to Veterans who
were awarded the Purple Heart Medal, are 50% or more disabled, were residents of Arizona or
stationed in Arizona when they were wounded, and are otherwise qualified to attend a State
Community College or University.
The passage of House bill 2350 is historic because this is the first bill that has been passed by the
Arizona State Legislature that provides a State benefit specific to Combat Wounded Veterans.
While every politician finds it politically correct to proclaim support for the military soldier and for
veterans’ issues, the Governor and the Arizona State Legislature bellied up to the table and showed
their support in a concrete manner. The law now requires all State Community Colleges and
Universities to waive the tuition for all veterans meeting the criteria of this law.
In the forefront of this historic event was State Senator Frank Antenori. Senator Antenori introduced
the legislation as a member of the Arizona House of Representatives prior to his appointment to the
Arizona State Senate. Senator Antenori is a Gulf War Veteran and the leading advocate in the
Arizona Legislature for issues affecting members of the military and veterans. Military Order of the
Purple Heart Commander of the Tucson Chapter, David Alegria was the lone member of veterans
organization providing testimony before the House Education Committee and the Senate Committee
on Veterans and Military Affairs. There was not one vote cast by any legislator against this bill
during the committee hearings and roll call votes in both Chambers of the Arizona State Legislature.
Governor Jan Brewer, a staunch supporter of veterans issues, signed the bill into law without
The passage of House Bill 2350 is important for a number of reasons:
• Combat Wounded Veterans are having a difficult time collecting on the much promised
education benefits of the NEW G.!. Bill. The Veterans Administration says it is doing
the best it can, but processing problems still remain. Some of these veterans have
mobility issues due to their injuries and find it difficult to chase after the VA. Others,
just don’t want to take up another fight. Most of these veterans are part-time patients,
spending most of their free time at the veterans administration hospital clinics.
• Combat Wounded Veterans having difficult financial hardships will use the proceeds of
the NEW G.1. Bill to help house and feed their families. They then pay for their
education by taking out student loans.
• The NEW G.1. Bill permits veterans to transfer their education benefit to one of their
dependents. So far, 100,000 veterans have transferred their G.I Bill education benefits
to dependents. These wounded warriors are still looking out for others before
Our student veterans deserve this benefit and the State of Arizona has stepped up and provided the
necessary assistance. All of these veterans already paid for this benefit with their blood in some far
off land.
House Bill 2350: Purple Heart; Tuition Waiver
Tucson Citizen Article by Blogger/Writer Mike Brewer

Open Letter To All Of America's Veterans/ Max Cleland


An Open Letter to America’s Veterans

America sends the flower of its youth abroad to fight its

wars. Because of that, America’s military is always staffed

with the stoutest, finest, most courageous people in the

country. If as soldiers we are not that way when we enter the

military, the military makes us that way by the time we get

out. In the end, the military is still made up of everyday

people like you and me. As such, most of us have no special

skills to cope with the challenges wartime military service

presents. Regular life simply cannot prepare a person for the

brutish sensory overload of combat.

Coming back from military service in a time of war, we may be

wounded in ways that don’t show to the world at large. Some of

the deepest wounds we suffer may be inflicted without leaving

so much as a scratch. No matter what you are feeling when you

come home, no matter how crazy you feel inside, know that you

are not mentally ill. As combat veterans, we have been through

some of the most traumatic life experiences possible. War is

as close to hell on earth as anything ever could be. That does

make us different from our loved ones back home. War marks us

all, some more deeply than others.

AS veterans, we have paid a price to serve our country. We

have suffered. And we may suffer for a lifetime. The soldier

never gets to choose his or her war. The wars choose us, and

not all are just. I believe the emotional casualties of the

misguided wars may be the hardest of all to bear.

The soldier’s lot is to be exposed to traumatic, lifethreatening

events – happenings that take us to places no

bodies, minds, or souls should ever visit. It is a journey to

the dark places of life – terror, fear, pain, death, wounding,

loss, grief, despair, and hopelessness. We have been

traumatized physically, mentally, emotionally, and

spiritually. Some of us cope with exposure to hell better than

others. Some are able to think of their combat experiences as

but unpleasant vignettes in a long and wonderful life. It is

not to those veterans I am speaking. I love them, but I am not

afraid for them.

I am speaking to the rest of my brothers and sisters, those

who find themselves trapped in the misery of memories as I was

for so long.

Many of us have been overwhelmed by war. Many of us have been

unable to cope on our own with what has happened to us or with

what we have done. Many of us have been left hopeless, lost,

and confused about ourselves and our lives in ways we never

thought possible.

As veterans of war, we are vulnerable to the memories of those

experiences for the rest of our lives. Movies, the nightly

news, the death of a loved one, even simple stress can serve

as a trigger that reminds us of the hell we were once in. Just

that remembrance can sometimes be enough to undo all the

buckles we used to put ourselves back together when we got


Our bodies, minds, and spirits react automatically to these

memory triggers. They feel the hurts and fear and horror anew

each time. The curse of the soldier is that he never forgets.

Having once felt mortal danger and pure terror, our bodies

prepare for it again. That helped us survive on the

battlefield. However, what saved us on the battlefield doesn’t

work very well back here at home. It is impossible to forget

our experiences in the military. But it is possible to deal

with them positively. It is possible to take control of them.

I’ve found in my own life that I had to exude positive energy

into the world in order not to be overwhelmed with sadness and

grief over what I have lost. My body, my soul, my spirit, and

my belief in life itself were stolen from me by the disaster

of the Vietnam War. I found solace in attempting to “turn my

pain into somebody else’s gain” by immersing myself in

politics and public service. In particular, I devoted myself

to helping my fellow veterans and ‘disabled friends heal. This

was a great help to me in my life. But when I lost my

reelection bid for the U.S. Senate in 2002, my life fell

apart. The staff that had helped me politically and physically

so I could keep on running with no legs was gone. ~ne pleasure

of having a job worth doing and the money to keep me afloat

were gone.

My relationships began to crumble, especially the one with my


I went down in my life in every way it is possible to go down.

Massive depression took over. I went down with a grief over my

losses that I had never known before. I went down thinking

that God was not for me anYmore. I no longer wanted to live.

With the start of the Iraq War, my own post-traumatic stress

disorder came roaring back nearly 40 years after I was in

combat. I never saw it coming. Thoughts of war and death

simply consumed me. I thought I was past that.

It taught me that none of us are ever past it. But all of us

can get past it enough to be happy.

When I went down, my sense of safety, organization, structure,

and stability collapsed. My anxiety went sky-high. My brain

chemicals, which had helped me stay hopeful and optimistic,

dropped through the floor. My brain stopped working. My mind,

which I had counted on all my life to pull me through and help

clarify challenges, fell into despair. My spirit dropped like

a rock as all hope I had for a good life went away. I was

totally wounded and wiped out – hopeless and overwhelmed. Just

like I had been on that April day in 1968 when the grenade

ripped off my legs and my right arm. Emotionally, spiritually,

physically, and mentally, I was bleeding and dying. I wound up


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been treated there the first time. This time around, I was in

search of being put back together again in my mind, heart, and

soul. When I was there the first time, the doctors didn’t

really treat our hearts and minds

Post-traumatic stress disorder didn’t officially exist.

Neither did counseling for it. What a world of difference

several decades make!

Through weekly counseling, medication for anxiety and

depression, and weekly attendance at a spiritual Twelve Step

recovery group, I began to heal. My personal recovery and

renewal have taken years. I still talk to my PTSD counselor at

Walter Reed occasionally when I need to do so. I still take a

low dose of antianxiety and antidepression medication. I still

stay in touch with my brothers in my Tuesday night Twelve Step

group at the “last house on the block.” As a brother in that

group, I lean on my fellow attendees, especially my fellow

veterans, and feed off their experience, strength, and hope.

Which is why I am writing this open letter especially to those

who have suffered what Shakespeare referred to as “the slings

and arrows of outrageous fortune” by getting blown up, shot

up, or otherwise wounded in the service of our country. For

me, the physical wounds were the first to heal and the easiest

to deal with. It is not easy to r~n for political office or

try to run forward in life with no legs. But live been able to

do it. The mental and emotional wounds – and a whole suite of

spiritual wounds – have been far more difficult to overcome.

They are the most subtle of all, and the hardest to heal. From

time to time, I am overwhelmed by the sense of meaninglessness

I feel regarding the Vietnam War, in which I was a young

participant, and the Iraq War Resolution, which I voted for as

a U.S. senator. To keep my sanity, I must not dwell on my part

in those disastrous episodes in American history. I try not to

blame myself too much. I work on my own recovery and renewal

knowing that I can’t help anyone else unless I get, as

Hemingway put it after his war, “strong at the broken places.”

I try to get enough sleep so my mind can regenerate. I

exercise. I still walk with no legs, putting my stumps on

pillows and sliding across the floor to get my aerobic

workouts. Occasionally I do sit-ups and push-ups and curls

with weights. I stay in touch with the members of my group and

read literature like the Bible, which guides my prayer and

meditation and helps me remember that God is with me! not

against me. I work on my physical, spiritual, and mental

recovery and renewal every day.

Recovery is possible from even th~ most grievous wounds of

war, politics, and life. But we veterans remain painfully

aware of our experiences. As my trauma counselor tells me, it

is fine to look in the rearview mirror from time to time to

see where you’ve been, but it is much more important to look

through the windshield to see where you want to go. We can’t

let where we’ve been dominate and control where we are headed.

Otherwise, we live an upside-down life.

In addition to trying to muster the courage and the faith to

move forward each day, I try to remember that I am blessed to

have the grace of God and the help of friends to point the way

and help me along my path.

Max Cleland

Atlanta, Georgia

j just our broken bodies.


Copyright 2009 by Max Cleland

Agent Orange:The Gift That Keeps On Giving

As if the Veteran Affairs Department does not already have their plates filled with a backlog of claims, they are soon to get hit with a cresting wave of lingering Agent Orange claims.

VA officials estimate that approximate 186,000 claims will be filed before the end of the year that address the new rules of presumed service connected disabilities for illnesses that are related to exposure to Agent Orange. Is this not just beyond comprehension? 40 years have passed and we still have soldiers dying of Agent Orange illnesses!

Yet, I have to stand in praise of the Obama Administration’s attention to the needs of the VA. Not only did they pass the first ever year end funding budget, October 22nd, 2009, which had not been done in 22 years prior to the end of the calendar year, but they are prognosticating well the needs of the current war veterans and the standing population of vets that are still in need of intensive care from service connected disabilities. To prepare for this onslaught they are hiring about 1800 people to process these claims. The average age would be 60 and assigned a disability rating of 60% or higher. The probability of using third party contractors is quite high since the research for the symptoms and nature of the illnesses has been complete. Not like the days of yore when we had to get the 4th Infantry to fight for us!  Many of these claims can by cookie cuttered as a result of knowing the pattern of the illnesses.

It is the stated declaration of the VA Secretary Eric Shinseki that he will add a total of 4400 new employees to remedy the backlog of claims, inclusive the new Agent Orange claimants.  The secretary affectionately calls this a “brute force” solution to the problem. We are currently experiencing about 160 days to work a file. The goal is not allow that to rise.

The estimate is that about 160,000 vets will file claim, at a cost of about 13,500 per veteran, inclusive of mileage.

It is ischemic heart disease that is determined to be service connected to Agent Orange exposure. Issues with brands of leukemia are still being researched.

Last year the VA processed just under 1 million claims. The projection for 2011 is about 1.3 million.  The total cost of the Agent Orange claims will be about 13.4 billion in 2010. Should the Parkinsons and leukemia claims be approved, inclusive of widows benefits, they are estimating a cost of 42.2 billion over the next 10 years.

War is damn expensive ain’t it? Even when it is over. Lets hope that the indiscriminate use of chemicals does not occur again. But then the jury is still out on the effects of depleted uranium, and we still have vets making claims from exposure to atomic warfare materials.  God save us.

The Army National Guard Then And Now

What an incredible shift in trained and available manpower we have witnessed in the past 30 years in the Armed Forces.

As the son-in-law of a career Guardsman; SMSGT, James Orlando Benson(deceased), I have always taken interest in the participation of our loyal National Guard.

Approximately 9000 Army National Guard soldiers were deployed to Vietnam. 106 of the mobilized unit members died in Vietnam and eight Air National Guard were KIA.

Eight Army Guard units were sent to Vietnam: two artillery battalions and the 116th Combat Engineer Battalion from Idaho.

The only National Guard unit was from Indiana’s  D Company Rangers who performed long range recon patrols. They had 2 KIA and 100 WIA during 1969, which was the peak of the war.

The Kansas National Guard lost the most men in Vietnam in their 137th Infantry. 29 KIA. The 133rd Infantry  from Iowa was next with 12 KIA, and the 299th from Hawaii lost 10 men. All were assigned to regular Army units in Vietnam.

Two Officers who were with volunteer Guard Units were posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross.

And now, it seems they are melded together with the Regular Army.  What will the future hold for those in harms way? And where are we to find them?

Source: VFW Magazine

VA Letter Addresses Burn Pits In Iraq and Afghanistan

By Kelly Kennedy – Staff writer
Friday May 7, 2010 10:33:48 EDT

A new 30-page Veterans Affairs Department training letter outlines a new policy for VA regional offices to use in determining benefits for veterans who have been exposed to environmental hazards, including burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan.

This marks the first time in its history that VA has addressed potential battlefield exposures while the troops remained in the combat zone, as well as the first time VA sent out guidance about a potential war-related health issue without it a congressional mandate or a recommendation from a large health organization.

The letter, with the subject line, “Environmental Hazards in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Other Military Installations,” went out in late April to all VA regional offices, signed by Brad Mayes, director of VA’s compensation and pension service.“Service members can be exposed to environmental hazards in the course of their military duties, which may result in adverse health effects,” the letter states.

“Numerous environmental hazards in Iraq, Afghanistan and other military installations that could potentially present health risks to service members and veterans have been identified.”For more on what the letter means for service members and veterans, look for the May 17 issues of the Military Times newspapers, on newsstands this coming Monday.


God Bless
Jose M. Garcia
National Executive Director
Catholic War Veterans,USA
Better to understand a little than to misunderstand a lot.
In God We Trust

Veterans Legislative Summaries

Veterans Report: The Military's Largest  Benefits Update

Veterans Report is the most comprehensive newsletter available to help Veterans stay current on benefits changes, learn about important legislation, get great discounts, and use the benefits earned in service. Make sure that you and your colleagues subscribe for this free update publication.

——————————– 03 MAY 2010——————————————-
House Hears Testimony on VA Delays
Deal of the Week: Top Veteran Discounts
Veteran GI Bill User’s Guide Celebrates 10 Years of Service
Register for Free Military Career Fair Today
Battle of the Rifle Grips: Grauer IGRS
Next-Gen Coastal Artillery
Featured Job: Military Friendly Employers
GI Film Festival — Buy Tickets Now
Doolittle Raiders Reunite
National Resource Directory Updated
New WWII Documentary
Apply to Adopt a Military Working Dog
VA Loan Limits for 2010
More Support for Small Business
Pension for Veterans
VA Addresses Veteran Suicides
VA Awards Projects
VA Looks at Going Green
Gulf War Veterans Urged to Seek Care
Wal-Mart Grants $500K for Green Jobs
VA’s List of Yellow Ribbon Schools
Print and Post This Week’s Veterans Report
Headline Military News

House Hears Testimony on VA Delays
Speaking to a House subcommittee, Jacob Gadd of The American Legion’s Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation Division said the Veterans Business Administration needs to speed up its process of appointing fiduciaries to handle the finances of veterans who are mentally incapable of managing their own benefits. More

Deal of the Week: Top Veteran Discounts has hundreds of discounts exclusively for veterans and their families. Don’t pay full price for anything. More

Veteran GI Bill User’s Guide
GI Bill benefits can be hard to understand, but the following guide will help you cut through the confusion and access the Montgomery GI Bill benefits you deserve. More Celebrates 10 Years of Service is celebrating its 10-year anniversary by saluting the military community. Visit our 10 Year Anniversary Page to see some of our most popular content over the last decade. More

Register for Free Military Career Fair Today Career Expo is coming to St Louis, Mo. on May 11, 2010. This event will feature top employers seeking the valuable skills you learned in service to your country. More

Battle of the Rifle Grips: Grauer IGRS
When Ward and I attended the ITI tactical shooting course a few weeks ago, instructor Brandon Wright, taught us a new way to grip the rifle with our support hand by canting our wrists and throwing the thumb over the barrel. More

Next-Gen Coastal Artillery
Above, an Iranian produced version of the C-802 anti-ship missile, concealed inside a commercial truck, from Iran’s Great Prophet 5 military exercises. More

Featured Job: Military Friendly Employers
Visit’s Veteran Job Board to search thousands of jobs in aerospace, defense, health care, nursing, government, law enforcement, teaching and more. More

GI Film Festival — Buy Tickets Now
The Fourth Annual GI Film Festival, which will be held May 11-16 in Washington, DC, just announced its line-up for 2010 and tickets are now on sale. More

Doolittle Raiders Reunite
Four of the remaining eight famed Doolittle Raiders, known for their nearly impossible bombing raid on Japan, reunited recently for their 68th years at the National Museum of the United States Air Force. More

National Resource Directory Updated
The National Resource Directory redesigned and enhanced its website at More

New WWII Documentary
WW2 Reflections released its second documentary in a planned trilogy of works that chronicle the major battles fought by U.S. troops in Western Europe during World War II. More

Apply to Adopt a Military Working Dog
After completing their service, some military working dogs are made available for adoption. The adoption law gives priority to their handlers, then to civilian law enforcement agencies and finally to the general public. More

VA Loan Limits for 2010
The 2010 VA home loan limits are out and many locations will remain at the 2009 levels. More

More Support for Small Business
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Secretary Eric Shinseki recently pledged VA support for President Obama’s efforts to remove barriers to access for Veteran-owned small businesses. More

Pension for Veterans
The VA’s Improved Non-Service Connected Pension is designed to supplement the income of wartime disabled Veterans, and Veterans 65 and over who had to give up career opportunities while they served their country during war. More

VA Addresses Veteran Suicides
With more than 6,000 veterans committing suicide every year, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is redoubling its outreach to veterans and promoting the toll-free suicide-prevention hotline, which is the Suicide Prevention Lifeline. More

VA Awards Projects
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) awarded $20.2 million to install solar energy systems at 18 VA medical centers. More

VA Looks at Going Green
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) recently completed studies evaluating the potential use of renewable fuels in energy plants supplying 38 VA medical centers around the country. More

Gulf War Veterans Urged to Seek Care
Gulf War veterans with medical symptoms should seek treatment through the Department of Veterans Affairs in light of a recent study that says Gulf War service is a cause of post-traumatic stress disorder, a senior Military Health System official said recently. More

Wal-Mart Grants $500K for Green Jobs
The Wal-Mart Foundation issued a grant of $500,000 to help Veterans Green Jobs, a Colorado nonprofit organization, boost its job creation and training programs in the green jobs field. More

VA’s List of Yellow Ribbon Schools
The VA posted its initial list of schools which will be participating in the Yellow Ribbon program for the 2010 – 2011 school year. More


God Bless
Jose M. Garcia
National Executive Director
Catholic War Veterans,USA
Better to understand a little than to misunderstand a lot.
In God We Trust

Tuition Waivers For Wounded Veterans Long Time Coming: Antenori Breaks Through

“Those without vision perish.” That is not the case for Arizona State Representative Frank Antenori, and his colleagues who had the vision and courage to penetrate decades of denial of benefits to disabled veterans that have been granted in many States for 40 years.

House Bill 2350: Tuition Waivers For Wounded Veterans, was signed by Governor Brewer on Friday. But with all the hoopla and circus of the Immigration Bill, the advocacy and diligence it took to get this fine piece of legislation pass the Board of  Regents, has remained in the shade. Ironically that is often the way with Veterans Affairs. We give lip service to supporting veterans of war, but so seldom are there substantive results.

Antenori’s bill will mandate that Arizona community colleges and universities must provide tuition waiver scholarships to veterans whose wounds left them with a 50 percent disability rating, and a purple heart.  These benefits could then be transfered to either ones spouse or children under the age of 30.

“These veterans are economically challenged with their disabilities, and their chances for working our going to be limited,” Antenori said.

For years, easily the past three decades, Arizona legislators, including the Board of Regents, and their administrative counterparts at all three major universities; Arizona State, Northern Arizona University and University of Arizona have either blocked like kind legislation and or never allowed it to get out of committee.  All of our fraternal organizations, Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, AmVets, Disabled American Veterans, Marine Corps League, combined, have never been able to penetrate this veil of shame, even though all three of the universities take federal monies.

Three of the largest military installations in the United States are in Arizona, and we have not been able to take care of our vets the way this legislation proposes. Congratulations Antenori and company! This is the very reason we need more veterans in elected office.

And how did I learn of this bill that so many of my pals have worked to accomplish for most of their adult life?  By an accidental conversation with a Vietnam Veteran who was recently elected as a vice president of the local chapter of Vietnam Veterans of America; Chapter #106. David Alegria, a Purple Heart recipient and the current President of the Purple Heart Association shared with myself and a couple of Iraq vets the exact modus operandi of getting this past the naysayers.

It is well known that the employees and their spouses get free tuition at our State Universities. Their dependents get a 75% discount on tuition. Juxtapose this with veterans who have signed over their life and soul for our country and it looks a bit silly to not grant the same perks. Especially when one proclaims they will publish a list of all those who get those benefits, including part time employees who are of great financial substance.

I know of these folks. One time while hobnobbing in the VIP room at a Football game, I meandered out to the terrace for a Pepsi. I was startled to see a very wealthy real estate developer working the booth. “What in the world are you doing here,” I asked. He stated with great pride of forethought that he took the job to get free tuition for his kids. I was floored! I later inquired about one of these jobs, anticipating the same financial foresight for my children, as this real estate maven had arranged. I soon discovered that this was a rather exclusive clan and that I would probably have to wait a very long time for one of those jeweled positions.  Even a family President Club membership would not move me up in the ranks of the select.

To place this favored status on the table next to our veterans of war, who insure the very existence of higher education, was a stroke of genius on the part of  Antenori and Alegria.

Too bad this never made the evening news.  You all know that story.

Get By With A Little Help From Our Friends/ On The Hill

Here is some of the current legislation that could use some positive energy sent to your elected representatives in the Congress and Senate.

H.R. 2254 Agent Orange Equity Act: Clarifies presumptions relating to the exposure of a population of veterans who served in the vicinity of the Republic of Vietnam.

You will note the word “vicinity.” Yes that means Navy ships and Air Force installations wherein personnel handled 55 gallon drums of Dioxin, known as Agent Orange.

The DOD acknowledged nearly 7 years ago that we dropped twice the amount of defoliant as was first reported.  This problem will dog the Vietnam Veteran to the grave.  Imagine the fact that ALS/ Lou Gehrig Disease was linked to service-connected claims  for World War ll veterans in 2008!  65 years later!

H.R. 1377/ S 404–Veterans Emergency Care Fairness Act: To expand veterans eligibility for reimbursement by the Secretary of Veteran Affairs  for the emergency treatment furnished in a non-Department facility.

Pretty important stuff for rural areas. We often forget the folks that do not live in the cities.

H.R. 2573 Atomic Veterans Relief Act: To revise the eligibility for the presumption of service-connection of certain diseases and disabilities for veterans exposed to ionizing radiation during military service.

I know two men here in Tucson who attended ABC School; Atomic, Biological, Chemical Warfare school, who have been fighting for their benefits for 15 years! It is clear that that the DOD does not want to create damaging case law.

H.R. 4045: To increase burial benefits for veterans.

Legislative Updates


Caregivers Bill Goes to President

Thursday evening, the Senate passed by unanimous consent S. 1963, the Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act and sent it to President Obama for his signature.  On Wednesday, the House had passed the bill by a vote of 419-0 but had amended it so it was returned to the Senate for approval of the changes.  The bill now heads to the President for his signature into law.

Some of the more important provisions of the bill would;

  • Fulfill VA’s obligation to care for the nation’s wounded veterans by providing their caregivers with training, counseling, supportive services, and a living stipend.
  • Provide health care to the family caregivers of injured veterans under CHAMPVA.
  • Require independent oversight of the caregiver program.

The bill also establishes a permanent program to support the caregivers of wounded warriors, improve health care for veterans in rural areas, help VA adapt to the needs of women veterans, and expand supportive services for homeless veterans.

NAUS Note: While we are very appreciative of this bill and know it will go a long way in helping those family caregivers who need the extra assistance, NAUS believes it should be extended to include the many veterans of Persian Gulf War, Vietnam, Korea and WWII and other conflicts whose family caregivers also deserve the extra assistance in this bill.  We sincerely hope that Congress will expand the scope of the bill in the very near future to include all veterans and their families.

More Work Needed to Correct the PPACA

This week on the House floor House Veterans’ Committee Ranking Member Rep. Steve Buyer (R-IN) spoke with Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) in regards to fixing the recently passed new healthcare law to protect two VA healthcare programs.  They are the very important program called Civilian Health and Medical Program of the VA (CHAMPVA), which provides health care coverage for widows and survivors, and the program which includes the spina bifida affected children of Korea and Vietnam veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange.

The Senate has already taken action on providing explicit protection, in law, by passage of S. 3162, introduced by Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Sen. Daniel Akaka (D-HI).  However, the legislation has yet to be considered in the House despite Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Bob Filner’s introduction of an identical bill (H.R. 5014).

During House floor discussion, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi told Rep. Buyer that Filner’s bill had been referred to the Ways and Means Committee but, the Speaker said, the House would soon take up the legislation.  She said, “We will bring it together in a bipartisan way in the spirit that we owe our veterans.” NAUS Note:  NAUS looks forward to conclusion of this important matter and intends to continue its press for correction of the “drafting error” in the original bill.

One Exonerated, Two to Go

In Bagdad on Thursday, a U.S. military jury cleared a Navy SEAL of failing to prevent the beating of an Iraqi prisoner suspected of masterminding a 2004 attack that killed four American security contractors.

Petty Officer 1st Class Julio Huertas, 28, of Blue Island, Ill., was found not guilty by a six-man jury of charges of dereliction of duty and attempting to influence the testimony of another service member.  The jury spent only two hours deliberating the verdict.

Huertas is the first of three SEALs to face a court-martial for charges related to the abuse incident.  All three SEALs could have received only a disciplinary reprimand, but insisted on a military trial to clear their names and save their careers.

NAUS Note: It is very good to witness a jury of his peers see what prosecutors obviously did not; that actions in war or combat cannot be treated as civil infractions.  Now we hope the same verdicts for the remaining two SEALS.

Nomination for Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs

On Wednesday, President Obama nominated Dr. Jonathan Woodson to serve as assistant secretary of defense for health affairs (ASD/HA).  This position has been vacant since Dr. Ward Casscells departure nearly a year ago.

Dr. Woodson is an associate professor of surgery and associate dean at Boston University School of Medicine and a senior attending vascular surgeon at the Boston Medical Center.  He chairs the Boston University Medical Center Institutional Review Board for Human Research and is an adjunct assistant professor of surgery at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.

He also holds the rank of brigadier general in the Army Reserve and is currently assigned as Assistant Surgeon General Force Management, Mobilization, Readiness & Reserve Affairs and deputy commander of the Army Reserve Medical Command.  His official military biography can be viewed here.

As assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, Dr. Woodson would be responsible for the overall supervision of the health and medical affairs of the department of defense, advising the secretary of defense on department of defense health policies, programs, and activities, as well as overseeing all department of defense health resources.  His nomination is subject to Senate confirmation at a yet to be determined date.

Senators Subpoena DoD and DOJ on Fort Hood Investigation

Sen. Joe Liberman (I-CT) and Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) served subpoenas on Attorney General Eric Holder and DoD Sec. Robert Gates requesting disclosure of information on the investigation of the attack at Fort Hood.

In a six-page letter to the Administration officials, the Senators outlined five months of effort to secure documents and related materials on the investigation of the attack.  According to the Senators, however, all efforts have proved unproductive despite four formal letters to DoD, two to DOJ and lengthy discussions with the Administration.  The Senators also state that their most recent efforts to gain critical information was met with an April 12 response refusing to cooperate.

NAUS continues to focus on corrections to the policies and procedures that contributed to the murderous attack at Foot Hood.

Impact of the Eyjafjallajokull Volcano

Much of America and the world are acutely aware of the tremendous impact the recent eruption of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland has had on civilian aviation.  Air travel across the north Atlantic and most European domestic flights were curtailed for several days stranding millions of travelers on both sides of the ocean.

Military flight operations in and around Europe were impacted as well; and in particular, Air Force aeromedical evacuations (AE) that would normally be routed from combat theaters in Iraq and Afghanistan to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany, then on to the U.S. within a few days.

For the past few days AE missions have been flying directly from the Central Command Area of Responsibility (CENCTOM AOR) to the U.S without the intermediate stop in Germany.  This effort requires up to two air-to-air refuelings per mission, but Air Force officials stress it’s worth it to get patients to the care they need.

In addition to adjusting AE flight routing, AE crews and Critical Care Air Transportability Teams, which normally stage at Ramstein Air Base, have been temporarily sent to forward staging locations in CENTCOM.  This temporary basing ensures the Air Force has the right medical personnel in-place to care for wounded warriors as they are evacuated to receive further medical care.

We highlight the level of effort taken by the Air Force to raise a point.  Without the proper funding that enables them to adapt to all contingencies, which includes natural disasters such as the volcano eruption, these types of contingency operations would not be possible.  The same holds true for the other branches of the Uniformed Services.  Our military forces are, and will only continue to be the best in the world as long as Congress and the President provide the funding necessary.


TRICARE Extends Enhanced Access to Autism Services Demonstration

Raising a child with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) presents a unique set of challenges for parents, especially paying for expensive specialized care.  To provide continued financial assistance to active duty service members who have a child with an ASD, TRICARE has extended the Enhanced Access to Autism Services Demonstration to March 14, 2012.

This special program allows reimbursement for applied behavior analysis (ABA) rendered by providers (tutors) who are not otherwise eligible to be reimbursed by TRICARE for ABA services.  Providers of ABA collect data on a child’s behavior and use that information to teach the child positive behaviors while suppressing harmful or undesired ones, and improve their social and communication skills.

The demonstration is open to beneficiaries in the United States and the District of Columbia who are registered in TRICARE’s Extended Care Health Option (ECHO) and diagnosed with an ASD.  Click on the links provided if you would like to learn more about TRICARE’s ECHO Program or the Enhanced Access to Autism Services Demonstration.

Alcohol Awareness Month

April is Alcohol Awareness Month—a national health observance to raise awareness of alcohol abuse and encourage people to make healthy, safe choices.  Click on the link provided to learn more. 


2010 Army Soldier Show

From its base at Ft. Belvoir, Virginia, the current edition of the Army Soldier Show is in intense rehearsals.  The 2010 U.S. Army Soldier Show, an “entertainment for the soldier, by the soldier” song-and-dance production, and this year’s edition revolves around current social-media phenomena.  The 2010 Soldier Show schedule features 101 performances at 53 venues, including eight stops in Germany.  As always, the show’s troops will deliver several genres of music and dance, complete with soldier-musicians on guitar, bass, keyboard and drums.  For more information, including a link to the show’s tour schedule, visit the U.S. Army MWR website.

Navy Leave Chits Going On-Line

The Navy announced plans to begin phasing out traditional paper leave chits, replacing them with a new electronic leave request system.  The new system, called Self-Service Electronic Leave (E-Leave), is a Web-based program that sailors can access through their Electronic Service Record.  The new method is also meant to allow sailors to electronically route leave chits through their chain of command for approval.  It automates the command’s leave control log and ensures pay and entitlements are properly credited.  Shore-based implementation of E-Leave is scheduled to begin in August.  An afloat version will be phased in over the next 24 months as shipboard Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System servers are upgraded.

Air Force Announces Uniform Policy Changes

Late last week, Air Force officials announced several policy modifications resulting from recent Air Force Uniform Board decisions.  These include: tucking of trousers into boots on utility uniforms will remain optional; the green fleece watch cap is approved for wear with some items; and the women’s the side-slit mess dress skirt can continue to be worn as an optional item.  Additional information on uniform policy changes can be obtained through your chain of command or by calling the Total Force Service Center at 800-525-0102.


DFAS to Begin Recouping Separation Pay – DFAS Press Release

Recouping military retirees’ Voluntary Separation Incentive, Special Separation Benefit and other separation payments by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service will resume in August.

These separation payments and others, such as severance pay, were offered to active-duty service members to reduce manpower in certain career fields, primarily during the 1990s.  Because federal law prohibits service members from receiving both separation and retirement payments for the same period of service, provisions of these programs included repayment should an individual join the Ready Reserve or return to active duty and earn status as a military retiree.

On June 1, 2009, in response to retirees’ concerns, DFAS officials temporarily stopped deducting these repayments from retirement pay while the DoD conducted a formal review of the recoupment program.  Before the review, the federal statutes governing these programs did not allow the DoD or DFAS to alter repayment rates or provide alternative repayment plans regardless of the financial hardships a retiree may be experiencing.

The DoD review is complete, and Congress has amended Sections 1174(h) and 1175(e) of Title 10, United States Code, to help limit the financial strain on military retirees as they repay their outstanding balances.  The new statutes allow DFAS more flexibility to accommodate for financial hardship and modify payment plans.

Affected retirees will receive notification letters at least 90 days before recoupments resume.  If they feel the rate of recoupment will create a financial hardship, they may request a more lenient repayment plan by providing financial information on the Financial Statement of Debtor form included with the notification letter.

This monthly recoupment may also affect former spouses who receive Uniformed Services Former Spouse Protection Act payments from such retirees.  Former spouses affected by this action will also will receive a notification letter before the resumption of recoupments.

Foster Homes for Veterans

The VA Medical Foster Home (MFH) program finds a caregiver in the community who is willing to provide a veteran with 24-hour supervision and personal assistance.  This would be a long-term commitment, where the veteran may live for the remainder of their life. Veterans who enter MFH all meet nursing home criteria.  The veteran pays the caregiver $1200 to $2500 per month to provide this care. This includes room and board, 24-hour supervision, assistance with medications, and any personal care.  For more information, visit VA’s Medical Foster Home webpage.

American Freedom Festival

The American Freedom Foundation is bringing Nashville to San Diego for their first annual American Freedom Festival San Diego Saturday, May 29 on the flight deck of the USS Midway Museum.  The event will feature country superstar and legend, Ronnie Milsap. Tickets are available at here and the American Freedom Foundation website.  Discounted tickets for service members will be available at military bases throughout San Diego County and at the USS Midway Museum box office.  Proceeds from the Festival will go to Veterans Village of San Diego, Big Brother Big Sisters of San Diego County – Operation Bigs Program, San Diego Armed Services YMCA and other local San Diego charities supporting our military.

National Volunteer Week

During National Volunteer Week, VA salutes the thousands of citizens, ordinary and famous, who serve veterans as VA volunteers.  Celebrities often visit patients in VA hospitals, but just one visit convinced Bill Daily to become a regular volunteer at the Albuquerque VA Medical Center.

Daily starred as Major Roger Healey on television’s “I Dream of Jeannie.”  The series about two astronauts and a beautiful genie in a bottle began in 1965 and ended in 1970, after which Healy was a regular on “The Bob Newhart Show” from 1972 to 1978.  These days, the 82-year-old actor makes Albuquerque his home and continues to make his fans laugh every Wednesday when he visits veterans at the Raymond G. Murphy VA Medical Center.  Daily’s warm heart and gift of gab keep patients laughing.

A Korean War Army Veteran, Daily said he can’t remember jokes, but he loves to talk.  “I have story about everything,” he said, “and the veterans all want to hear about ‘Jeannie’.”


NAUS on the Road

This will be a very busy weekend for NAUS at various Retiree Appreciation Day activities around the country.  Saturday is the day for all of the below listed appearances:

NAUS President MG Matz and his wife Linda will be at the Ft. Jackson RAD in Columbia, SC.

NAUS Garden State Chapter (NJ-2) President Bob Ellis will be at the McGuire AFB, NJ RAD.

NAUS Northeast Regional Vice President Tom Quinlan, Southwestern New England Chapter (MA-3) President Robert Picknally, and Groton Chapter (CT-1) President Paul Dillon will be at the Hanscom AFB RAD in Bedford, MA.

Come by and meet your NAUS representatives and bring a friend to join.

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NAUS Directory Coming Soon!

Eager to connect with other NAUS members and network with the larger NAUS community?  You’ll be pleased to hear that NAUS is helping you do just that with our partner Harris Connect.  A new Association Membership Directory – a first for NAUS – is now in production and will include up-to-date contact information of thousands of your fellow NAUS members.  Please take a few moments when you receive your postcard notice in the mail and call Harris Connect at 1-800-726-2836 to verify your directory listing information.  There is no cost to be listed in the directory, though members may purchase a directory if desired.  NAUS receives a small royalty on the sale of each directory, so your participation helps your Association financially too!

Our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen stand in harm’s way around the globe to defend our nation and our cherished liberties. NAUS asks you to please pray for their continued strength and protection—and pray as well for their families, who daily stand in support of their spouses, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, and brothers and sisters.


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God Bless
Jose M. Garcia
National Executive Director
Catholic War Veterans,USA
Better to understand a little than to misunderstand a lot.
In God We Trust