Tag Archives: Nam Jam 2013

26th Anniversary of Nam Jam


Anyone remember the “Spirit of 106″? Hard to imagine that 1987 is so close but so far away. Nam Vets used to come out by the thousands. I am just now looking at some pictures from the glory days at Reid Park, where there were just over 15,000 in attendance.  It can be done again.

So head out to Rillito and bring 100o of your closest friends and help keep Nam Jam as one of Tucson’s most significant cultural events.  Attending this event can be your own way of joining in the National Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War.

There are times when I think that Nam Jam could be a Southwestern Event. Chapter 106 does have the legal rights to the name. I say, go big!

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Presented by

Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc.
Tucson Chapter 106

Contact Jammin’ for Vets Director Steven Kreamer 520-339-3493 or email: kreamersteven@hotmail.com
Donations are accepted or cans of non-perishable food.
All your gifts will be appreciated.
All donations will benefit transitional homeless Veterans shelters,
their families, many Veteran programs and the community.
**Please be advised that all backpacks, handbags, key chains and closed containers will be inspected by the EVENT’S SECURITY FORCE.
There will be no carry-in of alcohol, illicit drugs or weapons of any type permitted at this event.


Email for Jammin’ For Vets Information


2008 NamJam Thank You!          2007 NamJam Thank You!          2006 NamJam Thank You!

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