Tag Archives: Spin Codes DD-214

Spin Codes on Veterans DD-214

j0414112Back in March of 1976 a lawsuit was filed in the US District Court, Northern District of New York. A veteran named Edwin Cosby discovered that he even though he had an Honorable Discharge he had a derogatory spin code in his separation papers known as the DD-214.

Virtually unknown to all veterans of Armed Forces, the D.O.D. began inserting these descriptive, cryptic codes as far back as June of 1956. Instruction Memo 1336.3 ordered the military departments to insert a coded number on the documents used for employment references.

In 1974 the D.O.D testified at a Congressional hearing that only a couple hundred thousand documents had a code number and that the Spin coding system would be abolished. That never happened and by 1977 over 20 million veterans with Honorable Discharges had a spin coded number which they were never aware of and mostly likely are not to this day.

Congress attempted to pass a law regarding the use of spin codes, yet all proposed legislation has failed. Big Brother is alive and well.

The use of these codes can seriously hamper the veterans efforts to find gainful employment, obtain a loan, or procure insurance. Banks, life insurance companies, State and Federal agencies, and major corporations use these codes. Lists of the codes have been sent to Federal Aviation Administration, Housing and Urban Development and the Office of Personnel Management.
And we are worried about socialism!

Veterans can, however, ask to have spin codes removed from their DD-214.

To examine a list of the codes go to “http:www.landscaper.net/discharge.htm” or visit “http://veterancourtcodes.com”