Tag Archives: voter registration/ Independents

Non-Partisan Glimpse of Tucson Voters

capitol-domeThese statistics pretty much tell the story of how the village feels about partisan politics. Nearly 28% of the voters are Independent registrants. I am told that number is rapidly rising.

Are these folks marginalizing themselves for a reason? Is the duopoly just not their cup of tea? What is the true profile of the Independent? When is the last time you ever heard the word, “Platform?” What is the party platform? It appears to me that the dyed in the wool ideologues should have a party of their own. Any operator of a business lives with the dictum, “the market speaks.” It is clear as can be that the market place of the voters is speaking, and they do not like the menu that is offered.

Have the readers heard of the WHIG party that has metamorphosed? I am told they are comprised of a large number of young veterans.

Voter registration (City of Tucson)
Ward 1 – Dem / 20,644, Rep / 5,786, Lbt / 262, Grn / 102, Ind / 10,354
Ward 2 – Dem / 18,249, Rep / 17,505, Lbt / 305, Grn / 79, Ind / 12,680
Ward 3 – Dem / 14,777, Rep / 6,225, Lbt / 317, Grn / 209, Ind / 9,184
Ward 4 – Dem / 15,933, Rep / 15,836, Lbt / 306, Grn / 53, Ind / 12,865
Ward 5 – Dem / 15,086, Rep / 3,775, Lbt / 265, Grn / 75, Ind / 8,516
Ward 6 – Dem / 19,624, Rep / 8,735, Lbt / 405, Grn / 273, Ind / 10,924
Totals – Dem / 104,313, Rep / 57,862, Lbt / 1,860, Grn / 791, Ind / 64,523 – 229,349